Chapter 7 - Escape?

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Author's Note- I am sorry it took so long to update the next chapter. I have no excuses. I was busy at first but then I was just being lazy and procrastinating writing this chapter, the reasons for which evade me. So as the Holi-day was a holiday (Pun intended. I am doing a lot of word puns these days but unlike my family, you guys cannot shut me up...haha...), I sat down and wrote this super long chapter for you guys. Happy reading..... and also Happy Holi/Dhuleti/ or whatever else you call it at your place. Hope you had a safe and fun filled festival.

Chapter 7 – Escape?

It had been a few hours since Veer and Bani were trapped in the net. They were recovering from their earlier fight and Bani from the burst of power she had used earlier trying to escape.

Even though the net was sucking their powers, their cores were replenishing at a faster rate. So they had the energy, for now. Soon the net's absorbing would be much faster than their recovery and they would be completely drained of their powers and then their life force.

Veer- "We'll have to get out of here soon. I don't know for how much longer we'll be able to sustain this."

Bani- "I know. I think I have an idea."

"What? What is it?"

"We will have to throw a blast of power at the net that is higher than its absorbing capacity. The excess power would probably work against it and hopefully in our favour. We just have to find that breaking point."

"Wow....that.....that's a great idea...."

"I know, thanks!"

Veer- "Now can you explain it to me in normal human language. I think you started speaking in some weird language."

Bani with an annoyed expression, "Very funny Veeranshu. Was I supposed to laugh?? Anyway listen, (as if he had any other option?)

I will explain it to you with an example. Take any electronic device. There is some amount of electric current it requires to work. But if you keep on giving it extra current than necessary, than at some point it will no longer be able to handle that extra current and blast.

Or even in more simple terms, if we add water to a bucket then after the bucket is full, if you keep adding water it will overflow.

Similarly, this net will have a breaking point. We just have to give it so much power that it will not be able to handle the extra power and blast off."

Veer- "Oh....ohk....okay....Woah....."

Bani just smirks, "Cat caught your tongue, Veeranshu?? Told you knowledge is power." (Referring to their earlier conversation)

Veer- "Okay madam, I accept. You win this round. Never thought you would use electricity example for explanation and this idea looks logical enough, but are you sure? Because you already tried it in the beginning and got drained after that."

Bani- "Yes but I was just testing it do I didn't use my full power and I have recovered from that drain. If we both do it together than we may be able to overpower the net."

Veer- "But you know how big risk we are taking with this? If we use all our powers but that is not enough to overpower this net then we will have given this net an extreme power boost at the same time we drain all our own powers and then it will be a death sentence."

Bani- "I know that. But I think we will have to take that risk otherwise this net will already drain us. Unless you have any better ideas?"

Veer shakes his head in a negative.

"Thought so. And we cannot wait for long. I am already starting to feel the drain." She extends a hand towards Veer, "We can do this?"

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