The Beginning

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Brrrrrrr Brrrrrrrr. I groaned at the sound. It was already 7 am and I had to get moving. I got up and grabbed alarm clock and stuffed it into my backpack which was already packed to the brim with canned food. I walked into the room across the hall in the place where we had slept for the night. "Alex get up" I yelled as I watch the teen who was around my age groan and sit up. "Alex its already seven, we have to get moving." I said calmly as I grabbed a Pallet jack that used to be in a warehouse that we had stolen only months ago. Society had crumbled, and nothing was left but ruined cities a still oppressive government and their police bots they used to round up people that were still on the streets to take them to their "Best city yet" or "The utopia" Word of advice never get caught the place is a nightmare. I was lucky to have even escaped once. They use this weird device called a "MM-9" Otherwise known as the "Mood manager" It ejects a serum into you to control your emotions You have to get 9 shots a day. Alex stood up and walked over to me still waking up. "what's for breakfast" She said with a groaned. "Nothing you can eat later" I replied with a fed up voice. "But Leo-" "No buts get moving we need to be outside city limits by tonight" "Fineeeeeee" She replied as she snatched the pallet jack from me. We walked out into the street to see that some police bots were already there. "Stay quiet" I said as I pulled out an axe from the side of the backpack. There were only three I could take them easy. I crept up behind one of the bots and hit it in the back where its batteries were. It powered off quietly as I crept to the next one. I hit this one in the head rendering its useless, But the sound of cracking glass was heard across the street the robot called for back up as I singled Alex to start running. "Hands up" The bot said. I put my hands up and dropped the axe. The bot slowly walked towards me. 3.. 2.. 1 I quickly charged at the bot with a knife I kept hidden in my sleeve. I Fell to the ground as I felt a shock through my body... 

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