" about me "

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this is the first part to the template.. " about me " 

so basically this part covers who you want to be 

- keep in mind that this is only a single section, the next section is on the next chapter !!

about me: 







gender and pronouns: 

skills i posess: 




family act (how I act around my family):

friends act (how I act around my friends):

self act (how I act around myself):

academic level:

signature scent:

here is my example :

about me: 

name: jasper lupin-tonks

age: 18 years old

birthday: 27/04/1973

wand: vine wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12 3/4 inches, quite bendy flexability

house: gryffindor

patronus: tonkinese cat

gender and pronouns: female, she/her

skills i posess: hexes ad spells

sexuality: bisexual

likes: studying with hermione in the gryffindor common room, baking with luna and house elves in the hogwarts kitchen, hexing cho chang, playing quidditch with my friends, swimming with fred and george in the hogsmeade waterpark, similar things as current reality.

dislikes: cho mf chang, similar things as current reality.

 family act (how I act around my family): laid back, caring, funny.

friends act (how I act around my friends): totally myself, funny, mischeivious, laid back, caring.

self act (how I act around myself): laid back.

academic level: over average.

signature scent: rose and coconut :)

that's it for this section ! onto the next <3

hope y'all enjoyed :)

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