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Harry's P.O.V

The rumors of my promiscuity have been greatly exaggerated.  I used to be anonymous, invisible to guys everywhere. If Google Earth was a guy, he couldn't find me if I was dressed as a ten story building.

Pretty cutting edge stuff, right? A high school gay boy feeling anonymous. Who am I? Why am I here? Don't worry this isn't one of those tales. Even though it sure started out that way.

Then it all turned ugly when I started lying about some pretty risky thinks. So, let the record show, that I, Harry Styles being of sound mind, and hello, normal body size, promise to tell the truth and honest truth.

Starting now. And what better way to share my private thoughts than on the Internet.  So here it is, part one. The totally fake account of how I lost my virginity to a guy in community college. 

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