Chapter 1

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Jeon Jungkook has never been a fan of wasting time and slacking he's always been the guy who'll put his hands and time on use. Especially this days, his schedule is packed this days and the only time of the day that he can walk around the hall is this time when he's heading towards his he's caught in this situation right here.

Because a bunch of seniors asked him to help and save their friends in the gym, because some 'crazy jerk' is beating them up.

Now, he's standing in the middle of the gym asking the 'jerk' to come with him to the detention and getting ignored, again and again.

"Get up, I'll take you to the infirmary and then we'll head to the detention room, so get up now." He muster all the softest tone he can to say those words he even offered his hand to help the so-called-jerk (sitting on the floor with his head on his hands and his elbow resting on his knee, panting for air) to get up but, he has been ignored. Again. for the nth time that he feels stupid, and he doesn't even know if he's stupid for losing his count or he's stupid for actually counting.

"I..." He trailed throwing his head back and pinching the bridge of his nose while he turned his outstretched hand into fist.

He's been doing this since the last 8 minutes and he had never--even once--sensed that this guy is listening to him. It's funny how he had used every diplomatic ways he know just to make this man come with him but nothing works out so fuck peace and diplomacy he doesn't need them now he's using his full authority right here, right now. No holding back.

"I said...GET THE FUCK UP!!"  He shouted, earning groans from some seniors but, he didn't mind. He can't do this anymore, he's Jeon Jungkook the President of this school he shouldn't be standing in front of someone, begging them to come with him to the detention. This is a waste of time and he's a busy person, mind you, his time is precious.


The voice turn everything around and Jungkook froze on his spot, examining the figure of the man infront of him because there's no way in hell that he'll ever forget that voice. And this man... No.fucking.way.

This is not true, this is not happening. No way! it's just one of those stupid daydreams he's making everyday, because this is unreal, he can't meet him today not at this situation.


Everything go downhill when his eyes fall on those hazel orbs that the man directed to him.

Kim Seokjin...


Jungkook is beyond shocked that his eyes went bigger and his mouth is surely opened in an indecent way.

How the fuck did he end up crossing a fucking path with this man today? Of all the days he's been wondering around looking for Kim Seokjin, why today? Of all scenarios why this one? of all people why him? Just why?

Jin smirked watching Jungkook's face change from one expression to another.


"Go away... Mr. President" Jungkook is shocked but he didn't miss that-Jin is not hiding it either--he heard it loud and clear, the tone that's dripping with acid. 

And it's stupid but he actually wants to just go away (like Seokjin said) or be swallowed down by floor right now. Anything just to be far away from Jin at this moment because, it's starting to scare him off.

Maybe he's wrong, maybe he's not yet ready for this, maybe he still can't get things straight with Jin.


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