Chapter 3

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Jungkook is not someone to give up,

He has always been like that,

Seokjin knows him like that,

So he's not even surprised, to see the younger waiting in front of the university's gate, toeing on the tiny pebbles in the ground while both of his hands are on his pocket.

But still, Seokjin contemplated,

He contemplated whether he should be walking straight or just running back to escape and jump over the wall of the school.

He decided against the latter tho, he doesn't feel like jumping.

"Why are you here?"

"Hyung!!!" Jungkook almost jumped.

But Seokjin just walked passed him,

"I waited for you hyung! I want to walk you home..."

"You don't need to do that--"

"But I want to. I...I don't have anywhere to go to anyways and..." Jungkook is playing with the strap of his bag nervously eyeing it as he trailed on his words,

And Seokjin can't help but smile,

He had grown to love each and every one of Jungkook's cute mannerism,

"I miss walking home with you..."

Seokjin raised one of his brow, but didn't protest he didn't say yes either he just walked pretending that he's alone,

And Jungkook, leave it like that, he didn't say anything he just walked beside Seokjin, not daring to do something that would make his hyung uncomfortable.

So when they reach Seokjin's apartment, Seokjin just walked straight to it too, leaving the younger outside mumbling a,

"Bye hyung!...See You tomorrow..."

Days went by like that, Jungkook following him everywhere and him ignoring it in the best way he can.

It's hard tho, seeing a small pout and sad expression on Jungkook's face--everytime he's ignoring him, when he's trying to get him to talk or answer his questions at least--is like a slap on his, everytime,

But what can he do?

This chapter had already been closed, 3 months ago,

Jungkook won't get anything from trying, anymore...

"Hyung...don't you think its hot? Let's buy something cold to eat?"

"No, I need to go home."

"It won't take long to buy something ice cream?"

Seokjin sighed,

Looking away and kicking the stone on his way instead of answering,

So he could prevent himself from just crumpling and finally saying yes to Jungkook's whims.

He can't do that,

"You surely hate me so much..."

Seokjin whips his head so fast he almost break it,

But then, he still didn't say anything,

He just stared at Jungkook's face, surveying the younger's expression,

So Jungkook just smiled, nodding slowly as he blink his tears back,

"I deserve it though..." Jungkook says in a more cheerful tone now, stopping on his way and making Seokjin stop too,

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