Chapter 2

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There's too many things that change during the past 3 months, but the Jeon Mansion didn't.

It's still standing so proud and intimidating just like the owner.

"Young master! My goodness!!! Please help us--" the head maid hadn't finished her words yet but she's already pulling Jungkook inside the house.

"Your father and your brother!" That's all she said before Jungkook hears the sound of things falling in the ground.

"WHAT?!! You! Insolent child! How dare you talk to me like that!!" His father lifted the canvas and used it to hit his brother.

"Appa!!!"Jungkook immediately run between them to cover his brother, taking the hit as he did so.

"J-Jungkook?" His father immediately moves away from them.

"Appa?! What are you doing?!!" He asked tiredly.

He's too tired at everything.

"This is all because of that child!!!" His father shouted pointing at his brother.

"No! This is all because of you!" His brother shouted back, and Jungkook is more than grateful to see his mother coming over to collect his brother.

"Appa! We talked about this already! Didn't we?" He immediately asked when his Mom and brother is gone.

"Yes! But that little shit--" His dad didn't continue his words he just holds his head before walking away. Leaving Jungkook.

"Young Master are you alright?"

"Yes..." He tap the Maids shoulder before walking his way to his Hyung's room.


His eyes immediately met his Mom's eyes. She's sitting on Jun-hyungs bed beside Jun-hyung.

And she's still wearing the same look that Jungkook hates the most.

The look that holds sadness, resentment and disgust.

"Eomma--" She immediately walked pass Jungkook, avoiding his touch like  she'll get burn by it.

Jungkook smiled bitterly, pressing his lips together as he hold back the tears threatening to fall.

Months had passed but he still can't get used to this. He still can't understand what he did so wrong that made his Mom treat him like this.

'What's wrong with wanting a complete family?'

"H-hyung" He sat beside his hyung trying to met his eyes.

"Are you okay? Did it hurt anywhere?" He tried to hold his hyung but he moved away from Jungkook too.

And It's like a slap on Jungkook's face.

His only brother, who he look up too, is now avoiding him.

"Hyung..." His voice is full of sadness and disappointment.

"I think this is all your fault..."

That's his last straw,

He's been able to endure everything that Jimin had said, his dad's attitude, and his Mom's resentment but this one...this is the last straw.

He can't stop the tears anymore, there's no way to hold them back now.

"B-but hyung... Y-you said you would never blame me?" It must be childish to said that but this is his hyung. His Jun hyung-hyung.

They know and love each other so much. If there's a person Jungkook is sure he could always trust blindly, someone who can understand all his sentiment without judging him it's his Jun hyung-hyung.

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