You're telling me this kid ate Sukuna and now he got controlled? BAHAHAHAHA

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{(Y/n)'s POV}

It's been 4 years.. I managed to only find six in total fingers of Sukuna... I wonder what's Gojo doing.. He must be picking up the first years from the country-side... You know what... I'm gonna go and check 'em out!

I jumped off my bed then ran out my door closing it in the process of my running passing by the second years who seemed to get surprised by my rush..

-runs off to a building finding Gojo and a black haired student outside-

I noticed Gojo standing right next to a black haired student outside of a building that emits such cursed energy as I snuck up on them trying to scare them, "(Y/n)-kun.. You do know I can still sense you even if you hide your energy away.." Gojo said as I internally cried then landing in front of them, scaring the black haired guy in the process "G-Gojo-sensei.. Who is this? He seems to be a special grade curse..." He said whispering to Gojo with me knowing that I can still hear him..

"He's the schools pet demon-curse.." He straightforwardly said pissing me off, "GOJO FUCKING SATORU I AIN'T THE SCHOOLS PET I'M THE SCHOOLS GUARDIAN YA' KNOW!! AND YOUR ASS KNOWS THAT!!" I screamed at his face scaring the guy beside him again as Gojo laughed, "He is the school guardian, Fushiguro-kun... " He said to the kid I decided to introduce myself to the black haired kid, "Shiroyami (Y/n).. You might know me as The Light Corruption Demon-Curse.. I'm guarding the school and the whole country at the same time also" I explained as he nodded, "Fushiguro Megumi.. A first year in the school.." He introduced himself as the last name Fushiguro rings a bell in my brain.. I nodded at him to answer him as a curse jumped out of the building as Fushiguro-kun tried to attack it but Gojo stopped him as spikes started to comeoff the curse..

'Must be someone's cursed ability.. That's amazing..' I thought of it as two people comes out the building along with a kid that's around 5-8 years old..

[Time skip to where Gojo and Fushiguro sends the kid back home safely]

"Well.. Good job! I'd like you guys to meet someone.." Gojo said as he grabs me then puts me in front of the other two first years, "He emits a strong cursed energy.. Are we gonna kill him?" The brown haired girl said as the pinkish-blonde haired boy looks at me, then a mouth comes out of his left cheek and started to talk.. Wait.. This kid.. Has the same cursed energy levels of Sukuna..

"Well look who's still alive.." The mouth on the boys cheek spoke, "Huh? Alive? Whad'ya mean?" The pinkish-blonde asked as the mouth or AKA Sukuna smirked then spoke again, "He's Shiroyami (Y/n).. The Light Corruption Demon-Curse.. My long-time rival..." Sukuna smirked once more as I decided to give them a proper introduction rather than having the dumbass introduce me to them, "Yes my name is Shiroyami (Y/n).. And yes I am the Light Corruption demon-Curse.. I was told by your principal to guard the school along with the whole country last four years ago.." I explained to them as I gave a royal-like bow to them as they nodded, "WOAH, you're guarding the school and the country for four years!? That's so cool!" The pinkinsh-blonde boy spoke as I smiled and gave him a nod..

"Well.. I'm Itadori Yuuji, I'm also Sukuna's vessel.." Itadori-kun introduced himself as I snorted to the fact where he said he was Sukuna's vessel, "Huh? Are you okay? You just snorted.." The Itadori asked me, "It's nothing.. **giggles** It's just me hearing the fact S'kuna got overpowered by some kid so amazing... But you boy is still weak to my senses.. Ignore that! I really love seeing the fact you're overly stronger than S'kuna by a two or four fingers impresses me... You are something aren't chya?" I said going a little closer to his face with my bandaged and masked covered face, and behind it was my eyes squinted a little with a cheshire smile on my face as I pulled back, "So how about you girl? You may need to introduce yourself.." I smiled closed-eyed at her as she nodded but seeming a little disgusted at me or something, "Kugisaki Nobara... First Year... You're a little shorter than the normal... How old are you?" She asked but still irked the shit outta me, "I.. Am.. A few cm taller than you and I AM 200(your choice of age.. I'm just putting 200 here..) YEARS OLD YOU IMBECILE.." I exclaimed as my mask's cheshire smile turns into a frown as the eyes on it turns into anger and annoyed..

"Eh? YOU'RE THAT OLD!?" Itadori and Kugisaki screamed as Fushiguro seems to know that curses live a long time, "Yes.. I may be able to get killed by some sorcerer and all.. But I'm immortal when it comes to normal bullets and normal everyday human weapon.. Not a cursed weapon.. It'll hurt me..." I explained as they calmed down, "Oh.." They said as I looked up, "Well.. I may go off somewhere now.. I'll be back by tomorrow or the next three days.." I said as I jumped away somewhere to head to a specific direction where I'll find the seventh finger of that damned S'kuna..

{Itadori's POV}

Well.. He's gone... But dang.. He was cool at the same time.. Wonder where he'll go..


Okay so.. Imagine the mask looking like from the anime High Rise Invasion but the smile is longer and thinner and almost looks like a cheshire cat's smile as the eyes are happily squinted looking like the mask will tease the living hell out of you.. So yeah.. That's all.. Oh yeah also your mask can change it's appearance depending on the emotion you release..


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