Meeting The Owl Hair, The Tired One, The Pudding and The Bed-head gone wrong..

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{???'s POV}   

"AKAAGHHSHII.. Why are we here again??" I said out as he sighed, "We're here waiting for Kozume-san and Kuroo-san.." He said as we noticed two familiar figures approaching, knowing that it's Kuroo and Kenma, I immediately called out to them as they noticed us and walked here, "Hey guys.. Sorry if we late.. I had to drag Kenma out of his bed again since he forgot about this hang out again.." Kuroo said as he looked at Kenma who's playing something in his console..

"That's okay.." Akaashi said as I noticed his attention quickly turned to something or specifically.. Someone.. "Bokuto-san.." Akaashi called out to me, "Hm?" I hummed in answer and looked at him, "It's the guy that saved us when we were being attacked by the monsters.." He said as I looked at the direction he was looking at, "Y-you're right.." I stuttered as I saw him sitting on a bench as he was devouring chocolates and sweets.. "Im'ma go and ask him so we can repay him! After all he did say when we see him again we can repay him!" I said as I walked to the guy and talking to to him..

{Akaashi's POV}

I noticed Bokuto-san approach the guy that saved us that day as he talked to him.. The guy nodded and stood up and walked with Bokuto-san towards us, "Guys! This here is Shiroyami-san! He saved me and Akaashi from getting killed!" Bokuto-san chimed as the now called Shiroyami-san nodded as he chomped off half of a huge chocolate bar scaring Kuroo, "He has an amazing appetites for sweets.." Kuroo mumbled out as Shiroyami-san seem to hear it, "Thank you! Sweets are actually I like to snack on!" He said as he noticed Bokuto-san looking at something from afar, "Are you okay, Bokuto-kun??" Shiroyami-san asked him as Bokuto-san pointed at something, "I-is.. That wh-what I think it is..?" He said slightly stuttering as we looked at the direction he was pointing at showing a big monster which all four of us got scared of as Shiroyami-san dropped his bag of sweets, "Son of a Bitch.. Why in Diavolo's name is this fuck happening!?" He yelled out as he jumps high and exclaims something out..

"Corrupted Light: AP Bullets Pin Form!" He exclaimed as white pin-like light's appear out of thin air and started to shoot the monster three times as the monster roared out, "You.. The bed-head guy! I know you use cursed techniques so get yourself useful here!" He yelled out which was to Kuroo-san as for him, he nodded and started to say something, "Cursed Shadows: Bone Crusher!" He said as shadow like figures started coming out of the ground and crushing the monsters half off..

{Kenma's POV} 

I was witnessing the so called Shiroyami-san defeat a curse.. To be specific a grade two curse.. With the help of Kuroo's techniques, 'He doesn't seem to be a sorcerer.. He seems to be a curse that has been owned..' I thought in my mind as I realized, 'Wait.. Hold on.. How does Bokuto-san and Akaashi-san see curses? Never mind.. I guess their gifted like Tora's little sister..' I thought again as I felt another presence behind me.. Looking behind my back seeing another grade two curse about to hit me but I ain't letting that happen, "Cursed Reversal, Yellow: Hail Snow Bullets.." I said as yellow ice chunks came appearing as it hits the curse swiftly putting it down..

'Stay down..' I thought as Shiroyami-san came down to my direction landing on the curse stabbing it on the process with a deadly glare and can scare many people with that face of his when full of rage.. Well meeting Shiroyami-san took a bad turn.. But thankfully he was here to help us.. "You guys alright?" Shiroyami-san said as we all nodded as he dusted himself and got off the now burning curse, "So.. You and Kuroo are sorcerers or just people who exorcises them?" He asked as I was going to answer but Kuro beat me to it, "We're sorcerer's, Jujustu Tech's back ups as well as Itachiyama and Inarizaki.." Kuroo explained as he nodded..

"Well as for that I guess I should take you guys out to make it even from that.. C'mon follow me, let's get to the mall!" Shiroyami-san said as he gestured us to follow him and have fun.. And we ended up hanging out and having fun..


I had no idea what I was doing in the near end trust me.. I badly need ideas and something to get my brain workin'... But enjoy a haikyuu crossover guys! Tbh this was just a filler chapter for the next one and the previous chapter..

Soo.. See ya next chapterrr!!

-Author YEETS Author's twin YOOTS and both falls into simping Asuma in the anime Kiss Him Not Me ..-

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