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Harry Styles

I can see him running towards me everytime I close my eyes and I know that falling asleep isn't an option. Since I saw him stare at me at the bar the other day I can't stop thinking about him. His blue eyes have a power on me he doesn't know about and his lips are the most beautiful piece of art I have ever seen.

Before all I could see when I looked at him was all the things I could do to him, to his mouth, to his ass. Oh my god, this ass, it's something else. I wished I could take him right on this bar table and make his soul leave his body.

But now, I discovered a new feeling in me I never felt before, I am scared to not talk with him again. When I saw him running at me with this scared expression my heart stopped beating.

What the fuck is happening to me?

I don't know the man but now he is resting in a hospital room and I can't talk, touch or laugh with him. He made me feel so good the other day, the challenge between us is something you can't get with everybody and it makes me feel alive.

I never deal with feelings and I will probably screw what we have before he even realizes he is special to me. Typical.

But of course I still want to fuck him, who wouldn't? I'm not out of mind. And this favor, oh this favor, he can't imagine the ideas I have, he will, it's gonna be fun.

"Hi Harry." Niall enters the office with a coffee in his hand, he passes in front of my desk to sit at his own. " Did you get news from Zayn lately?" I've been lost in my thought for the past hour, his stupid voice couldn't get me back that easily but I can still hear what he is saying. I just don't want to answer.

Seeing that I won't answer he keeps talking, I think he hates silence and I sometimes regret hiring him, I love working in silence and he is noisier than a hungry baby. "I called his mom this morning," I keep staring at the two lines I drew on my desk earlier with the famous white powder, if you see what I mean. Niall and I are used to getting high at work, it helps us to focus and since we started we are doing a way better job. That's also why I chose Niall to work with me, he is ok with it and when I say ok I mean HE LOVES IT.

"... she doesn't have news either." He puts his bag next to his desk and when he is about to sit on the chair he changes his mind and turns around the desk and sits on it. He is now facing me and my board drinking slowly his morning coffee. "Is he on tour or something?"

I've been staring at the white substance for several minutes without taking it, does he really think I'm going to answer? I like you Niall, you're my best friend and all but I swear to god sometimes you're out of my league. "Harry?" I repetitively hit my heel on the floor making my leg shake, I was nervous I couldn't concentrate.

Niall gets up and walks across the large room. He reaches my desk and sits on the empty space on my left. "You alright H?" I'm good, that's not the problem, what's wrong is that he isn't good and I can't be with him because of this stupid family policy. "Yeah..." I sight before he talks again.

"If you don't want those I can help you know?" He laughs and makes me understand he is talking about the coke lines. He is probably kidding, we are both really into getting high, sharing isn't one of our qualities and he knows it.

"Yes, go ahead," I get up and walk towards the mail pile next to the door. "I'm not in the mood." Most of the people asking for our help contact us by mail and stay anonymous, which is really stupid. I mean, it's our job after all, they give us the name of the person they suspect (a friend, an enemy or even a lover) and they expect us to not to find their identity at some point, this is ridiculous. But nevermind, if it helps them sleep at night.

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