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Pinkie awoke in a cold, dark room. Her head was pounding with a terrible headache, her skin crawling from the cold and the eery sense of the place. She felt some sticky substance beneath her hooves and on her back, but it was too dark to tell what it was. She slowly stood up, immediately noticing a strange weight on her sticky back and a limp, broken figure of a pony a few feet away from her. Pinkie lightly brushed the figure, and suddenly became weak with memories of what happened before everything went dark. She remembered an earthquake, and recalled Surprise coming into Sugarcube Corner, worried. She recalled herself, saying five, terrifying words; "Then I'll simply take.... yours."
After that, after she had blacked out, her memory only came in bits and pieces. She saw a sharp, glinting knife. She heard painful screams echoing out. She saw blood.... So much blood. She saw herself, dragging a limp, pegasus body.... The reality of everything, everything she had done, suddenly hit her. The body beside her was Surprise's. The sticky substance on her hooves and the floors was blood. The weight on her back was.... No.... Pinkie began to sway, and black dots gathered in her vision. The reality of it all wasn't boding well on her. She knew she was about to pass out, and she struggled to remain conscious to find an exit. She would worry about the body later. She couldn't wrap her mind around her fact that she had done this..... but in her heart she knew it was true. It was all true, more real than anything. Pinkie stumbled through the strange place to try to find a light, or an exit. Anything but her rival's limp body, and the knife she knew laid somewhere on the blood-stained floor. It was eerily silent. All Pinkie heard was her fast beating heart, the soft clopping of her hooves, Surprise's terrified screaming echoing through her mind, and her own breathing. It seemed like she was wandering for an eternity before she found a red, glowing sign that read "EXIT." Pinkie struggled to climb the two short stairs that lead to the door to freedom. She lifted a hoof and pushed it open, the daylight almost blinding her. She squinted and stumbled out the door. She was met with destruction. Utter destruction. She realized that she had been in her own basement the entire time. Sugarcube Corner's basement and storage area. And Ponyville was destroyed. She recalled the earthquake that happened before she had passed out, all the destruction that she watched from her bedroom window. As she walked through the streets of Ponyville, she didnt see a single pony. Or at least, any living ponies.
Pinkie had completely forgotten about her appearance until she found a shattered mirror laying in the street and peered into it. Her mane and fur was matted with blood. Two crooked, broken, white blood-stained wings were stuck to her back. Surprise's wings. Pinkie's ice blue eyes shrunk tremendously, her body shaking. Then, her legs gave out from underneath her, and she passed out once more; her vision going dark and her eyelids fluttering closed.

Slipping Into Insanity: Pinkamena's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now