Reunion of Gods

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A colossal boom hit the sound barrier as the sky fell in and the ground collapsed, creating discord among the living and the deceased. Blood-curdling screams shifted in and out of focus as ubiquitous bangs and crashes emitted throughout the thinning air. With the constant fluctuation in gravity, birds and other flying objects had become the sky's yo-yo. Up and down. Up and down. Planes lost all control as gravity slammed the aerodynamic masses out of the sky; dead carcasses of birds fell to the ashen streets and the calming blue hue which had screened the globe started melting into a bloody shade. It was as if the sky had become stuck in a temper tantrum and if it didn't get what it wanted, death's bed would be in wait for the living's eternal rest. The dead's bones lifted from the densely packed soil and flew to the sky, dancing to the loud screeches arising as Mars clipped the side of the malfunctioning planet inhabited by terror filled homosapiens. Windows shattered in sparks of brilliance while dogs barked, children cried, and adults ran in terror. Chaos filled the picture and painted the end to peaceful beginnings, sealing its fate of destruction and power.

There was, however, a small child. A girl who stood among the chaos showered down from Discord's hands and laid out for all to see. She was quite small. Draped on her body was a yellow sun dress adorned with pink embroidered flowers. Her long brown hair was braided in two plaits and her eyes shone with a sense of curiosity and wonder. She wore no shoes but seemed unfazed by that minor detail. She looked up to the sky in expectation. A great crackling erupted from the sky, splitting a dark crack and emitting an ominous energy. Through the crack in the sky, a grotesque claw-like hand emerged. Blackness oozed from the hand in a gooey substance. Deep purple veins littered the hand in a spider web pattern. After feeling around a little, the hand emerged farther out of the ominous crack. The crack stretched into a 10-foot hole. The Hand's owner belonged to a large mass in the shape of a man's shadow. It stood at least 30 meters tall and oozed blackness. Its large claws, lean legs, lean arms, and small head held a statement of unproportioned dominance throughout the body. The menacing shadow looked to the girl in the gleaming sun dress. It strode in three long agile strides, leaving behind a gooey, black masterpiece with each step. It offered one of its wiry, claw-like hands to the girl. Noticing her reluctance to move from her state of awe, the shadow mustered up a deep rumbling voice from the pit of its stomach.


A small timeless barrier surrounded the two. The girl whose frame looked even more petite in front of the shadow looked back up to the shadow. Then, surprisingly, an intelligent voice peaked through her small lips.

"But for what reason?"

Unfazed, the shadow looked back down to her.

"You've been forced to live in a world where black and white are at constant ends with each other. A world where harmony between man and woman is not equal but tipped. A world where prejudice rules the weak and death awaits the depressed. Staying here will only lead to more destruction. Wars spread throughout the lands. Pain and misery leaks from the ends of this earth. Let me take you away from all this pain, from all these monsters."

The small girl stayed quiet for a few minutes. Tiny cogs turning in her head while she contemplated the shadow's grumbling words. A look of conflict and disagreement crossed her face. Deciding on a string of phrases to refute the shadow's statement, the girl spoke.

"You say this world is full of monsters. I cannot deny that fact. This world holds cover to rapists, terrorists, racists, and murderers. These humans attack one another and pollute the world with their acts of carelessness. Even now, I notice gluttonous acts of greed and selfish desires to live which coat this planet. Your offer is tempting and as any other would accept, but I must decline. As you said before, these humans only lead to destruction. I wish no more harm among the innocent. I wish for the spread of this kind to cease to exist. Unfortunately, I cannot live if my wishes are to be fulfilled. For I believe am also bred of monsters and thus carry this disease of pain and delusions and I suspect you've come to rid this world of our existence. I hand you my welcome to do so."

Once the girl stopped speaking, the shadow stood still for a few seconds before responding to the child's thoughtful words.

"Child, I have, as you guessed, come to rid this world of these monstrous humans. Which is why I have also come in search of you. Covered in pain and sorrow, here you stand. Covered in destruction and disease, here you forget. Covered in the depths of hatred and disgust, here you conquer. My queen has been taken from me. My Life. My child. My hope. My queen stands before me and yet she does not know. I am Death, and you... my child... are Life. Come with me where Life must conquer, and Death must serve. You are my queen, and I am your dog. Follow me, and I will offer you a home of solace and tranquility."

The small child stood in awe once more at the shadow's accusations of her status. Hesitantly, she took a step towards Death.

"You are Death?"


She took another step.

"And I am Life?"


Another step.

"Then that means I am not one of them?"

"Yes. I ask once again, come with me and I will return you to your home."

Taking a slow turn, the child of Life takes in Discord's chaos. A huff and a sigh later, she turns back towards Death. She hopped on to its wiry hand and curled up in a ball. Death only curled its long, wiry fingers over the frail body caging in Life. It turned towards the black gaping hole in the sky and leaped through it. The hole closed with a snap and left Discord to deal with his chaos.

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