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a girl in her twenties , of mixed race , her mother is spanish while her father is moroccan

she's a beautiful girl , with a perfect shape and a green eyes , a small cute face , pretty lips , and a long brown hair

she has that angelic laugh that can plant flowers in a barren heart

she took the natural beauty of the two countries

she is that beautiful

inside and out.

she grew up and her brother in the kingdom of morocco , in a small beautiful magical city and one of the top five cities in morocco


she used to spend her holidays in her second country and her most favorite city in the world , her mom's city

the beautiful Madrid

she grew up naturally in a small and loving family. completed her high school and chose to study journalism in madrid, then she found a job in a radio company in madrid as well, although she wanted to move to barcelona or granada , but her brother , that ella lives with , and his french wife , insisted at her to not move away.

her life was only about work , home , hanging out with friends in weekends and spending her vacations in her parents house in morocco

"alice", her brother's wife ,and ella's bestfriend , there was literally no secrets between them . because in the first place, it was ella who intoduced alice to her brother so they fell in love and get married and ella was just incredibly happy. so this , in short , was her life .

a very normal life , or can we say .. boring ?

yeah , that's the word acually , boring..

that's what ella started to feel lately, she has no dream or goal ! her only goal was to be financially independent and this already happened


she thinks about this every single night:

"what can i do with my life ? it's so boring i don't have any dream or goal to fight for ! i'm not obsessed with any shows or famous people or any hobby!!"

but what i forgot to say is that she adores to travel , that is her favorite hobby , or dream , we can say ?

she is just waiting for the right time to start her tour of the world

but during this time of waiting for the right time ,will she just keep living the same day over and over ?

she had no answer of that..


it's the morning ! ella woke up early to go to work

at the company ,she entered with her usual smile saying hi to everyone

she reached the floor where she works, but when the elevator door opened , she found her department manager directly in front of her, what made her heart beats very hard

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