#2- Apologies, and Friends #

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I won't admit it.. But I feel bad for beating up that kid just for his money.. I mean yeah.. He did punch my cheek, but now that I'm way more calm, I don't know anymore.. I sighed and ran back to the library. When I opened up the door to the library, that " Emo " Kid was still there, I couldn't tell if I knocked him out, or someone already saw him, So, I quickly ran to the kid and grabbed him from the floor ' I might have to apologize.. ' I'm not the type of kid to apologize, but my emotions got the best of me.. I grabbed some extra bandaid's from my selves, and put some on his nose, and face. After, I left a note, basically an apology note, and his lunch money. I sighed and walked away, I kinda hope he forgives me for beatinbg him up, and taking his lunch money. ' God! Why I am so dumb?! ' ...
After I was done patching him up, I quickly ran of the library. Maybe I need an reminder never to beat up some kid for his lunch money, but.. Yet again, I want to be popular. And if it means putting my emotions to the side, I would gladly do it!

After walking down the hallway I came across a boy with white hair, I think he's in my class. I just probably don't remember his name due to..me being an idiot.
I walked up to the kid, and tapped his shoulder trying to get his attention. After like.. What, 3 taps, he turned my way. " Oh! Hello there. I'm sorry I didn't notice you there " He said while rubbing his arm. " Nah, it's alright! " I said, we startesd talking about random things like our favorite songs, foods, and movies. " Hey, uh.. Kiibo? Right?.. " " Ah, yes? " He said with as smile. " I know we just met and all.. But " I paused then continued on " Can.. We be friends? " He looked at me with shock, the smiled " Sure! I don't mind " I was very happy I got a real friend.. Well, I hope he's a real friend of course, my other friends I had before used me for money and fame. So, I need to be considering that option, of him being a real friend.

( sorry for the short chapter! I just forgot half of this book— )

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