Chapter 1

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* as you can probably see all of my book covers have had a massive uplift! This is because I'm not very talented in the arts department so I commissioned someone who is! Hope you love them as much as I do. Please check out the amazing artist @/Zetahoe on Instagram, she's brilliant truly 💕 *

"Ki, I don't know whether to be proud of you for being an evil genius or to fear you for being an evil genius" Minhyuk said with a giggle, tapping his pen against the table as he considered Kihyun's plan. "Are you nuts? No!" Jooheon intervened, his eyes were wide with shock and his cheeks were flushed pink, "Kihyun you can't do that!" he protested sticking his bottom lip out in a sulk. Kihyun shrugged, returning to the essay in front of him. "Look it was just a thought and you have to admit, it's a good idea" Kihyun said smugly, a smirk dancing across his face.

"What's a good idea?" Changkyun muttered as he plonked himself down beside them, his bag hitting the café floor with a thud.  "Kihyun wants to sleep with Professor Son to get him fired" Minhyuk stated flatly and Changkyun nodded, rubbing at his chin theatrically as he mulled it over. "What makes you think he'll sleep with you?" he asked finally, raising an eyebrow suggestively, his piercing bouncing around with the movement. "Look, I didn't say I wanted to sleep with him, or that he wanted to sleep with me!" Kihyun defended himself but Minhyuk interrupted quickly "But that is pretty much the key point of this plan" he said with a shrug, falling silent under Kihyun's sharp gaze. "You're making me sound like a whore! Let me tell him the whole plan properly" Kihyun whined, taking a large sip of his iced coffee. "Oh good, Changkyun can be the decider" Jooheon said with a grin, his dimples appearing deeper than ever. "Oh, lucky me" Changkyun drawled back sarcastically.

"So basically" Kihyun began in hushed tones, "He failed my paper, again, even though I worked with Professor Im on it and I knew it was at least an A" he sighed, scrunching his hands up into fists on the table. "So I made the joke that he needed to get laid maybe then he wouldn't be such an uptight prick and Min said I should take one for the team and that's how I got the idea" Kihyun stated as Changkyun rolled his eyes dismissively. "We aren't even at the plan yet?? Dude, I don't need the backstory!" He complained, "It's my story I'll tell it how I want" Kihyun snapped back, well aware that despite his façade of disinterested Changkyun was fully invested in his story by this point.

"So I was saying how we always see Professor Son at Joe's, that bar just slightly off campus?" Kihyun continued only once Changkyun had nodded in agreement, and for some reason both Minhyuk and Jooheon nodded too. "And usually Professor Lee and Professor Chae come and drag him out when he gets drunk but what IF I got in first, offered to help him home. Once I get into his apartment all I'd need to do is stage a couple of suggestive photos and then go crying to the principal the next day" Kihyun finished the story, beaming ear to ear and his cheeks dusted red.

"Well...?" Jooheon pushed, leaning into Changkun, "tell him its awful, evil, tell him not to, he'll get him arrested!" he prodded Changkyun in the side, pouting. Changkyun cleared his throat, flicking his fringe out of his face, "It's awful, it's evil, you should do it" Changkyun stated and Minhyuk began celebrating, offering high fives to everyone, that Jooheon politely declined. "I won't get him arrested, I'm not a minor!" Kihyun scolded, "I turned nineteen last month!" he reminded Jooheon squeezing his arm gently.

"Come on Joo, he's so mean to everyone, why are you taking this personally?" Kihyun asked, slipping his hands round his friend's shoulders. Jooheon shrugged him off, "I don't want any part of this" He murmured his face pale and eyes glossy. Jooheon stood up shakily turning back to Kihyun one last time, "I know you don't have the heart to do this" he warned as he turned on his heel and stomped out of the café. "What does he mean by that?" Kihyun scoffed ignoring the tight feeling in his chest but the others just shrugged back at him.

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