1. Sudden Closing

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Annalise's POV


Before me stood the great Victorian house my mother and father have recently purchased. We recently moved from Washington State to Virginia. I hate the thought of having to start over. But then again, it's all my fault. It always is.

"Annalise!! Don't just stand there sweetheart. Move out of the way. We have more furniture to take in."

I roll my eyes and mentally face palm for letting myself get convinced this would be a good idea. I already miss Washington's weather. Unlike many, I enjoyed the rain. I always loved the smell of freshly wet grass and trees when I walked to school in the mornings.
I was never one to be center of attention but I had a few handful of friends that I really miss.

I start strolling towards our moving truck to help out. Considering it's around seven at night, I'm starving. I brush it off, arriving at the back part of the moving truck. I put both my hands, on the floor of the truck. Trying to use my upper body to get my self on. Crap. I really should have tried more in Physical Ed. Then again, I didn't give two sh*ts about Physical Ed. To me it was all pointless exercise.

I've never been athletic nor will I ever be. Kind of ironic since both my parents were athletic in their high school years. Mom was a cheerleader. She was head cheerleader actually. She's constantly nagging me to try out for this upcoming year. I'll try out when pigs can fly. Those were my actual words. Replaying the memory in my head I chuckle lightly. I saw the light that she had in her eyes soon vanish as the words left my mouth.

My dad on the other hand understood I hated anything sports related. My dad was the understanding one. He was a hockey player outside of school when he was younger. I'll never admit this to either one of them, one, because I'm extremely stubborn, and two because I simply wouldn't be able to stand them nagging me to try the sport out but, i wouldn't mind joining a hockey team.

After about 5 minutes of struggling to get in the back part of the truck I finally reach enough to bring my right leg up and slither further into the truck. After a while of just laying there I pick myself up and clean myself off, thanks to all the dust in here. And look for my own belongings. Ugh it's so dark. I can't see sh*t for my life. At least I'm wearing my contacts. If not I'd be blind as f*ck. my eye sight is so bad. I see a few silhouettes, and if I'm not wrong I believe it's my .. It's not a dresser it's more of like a little a make up table that has a mirror. I stride a few steps towards it, when all if a sudden I hear a horrendous noise.. As if something's shutting and everything goes black inside the truck.

I know I'm not dead when I open my eyes, and I haven't moved an inch. I turn my head and body towards the other side of the truck. Only to see the door shut. Hmm.. No wonder I'm not dead. The stupid gate door thing just fell. Thinking about that, I start to feel relived it didn't shut while I was struggling to get on. Or else I actually would be dead.

"Annalise, are you alright pumpkin?"

I recognize that voice as my fathers from the other side if the door.

"Uh yeah dad. A few minutes before though, i'd be dead." I say lightly chuckling.

"Pumpkin I thought I told you I hate your death jokes." He says in a tone I don't recognize.

"Okay. One, I wasn't joking. Two, yeah.. I'm sorry. Three, can we stop talking through the door and can you help me out of here? You know I hate the dark..."

"I'm so sorry pumpkin.. Here let me.."

He cut him self off by opening the back door to the truck. Everything was just as it was before I got trapped in there.

The sky slowly turning darker, and the trees slowly moving in sync with the wind. And my dad standing there just looking at me with a smile. I look down at him and smile too. I slowly sit down and jump off the truck, landing on the street.

This time though I'm standing next to my dad. I turn to say something but I'm cut off by him.

"Ann, you know I only want what's best for you.. And the thought of loosing you before was unbearable. I should have given you more attention, HELL I was living under the same roof as you and I didn't notice how unhappy you were. I'm so sorry pumpkin.."

His brown eyes looked into my greenish blue ones, and I felt all this guilt flush through me, for wanting to cut my life short. I courage up and say something.

" It wasn't your fault dad. It was mine. I don't want to keep talking about this. I just want you to know... I'm sorry.."

He smiles at me.

" I love you Ann."

"I love you too daddy."
He wraps his left arm around my neck loosely and side hugs me. We walk together to the front door of our new Victorian home.

I start thinking again, you know what, maybe this wasn't such a bad idea. A new start could be something I really need right now. Something deep inside I think I've been craving for a long time.

Heyy! First chapters up. What do you think? Please comment and vote, I really don't want to just write this story for my own amusement.

Cast Details

Annalise Huggins - Danielle Campbell

Phil Huggins - Phil Dunphy from modern family, lol.

Stacy Huggins - Clarie also from modern family.

Niall as ghost Niall. (:

Also sorry for my errors I'll come back and fix them. I don't have any specifics as to when I update or not, so bare with me. Also, that door closing, coincidence or maybe an Irish blonde boy had something to do with that? Hmm.. (: thanks for reading!

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