Chapter 5

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Everybody who can see me is screaming at the top of their lungs but I howl louder at them all and jump on top of a car. I rip off the roof and grab the young man probably in his 20's and I am about to rip him apart until I spot a little girl in the passenger seat crying at what horrors I was causing, I start to think and realize that the man is also crying for me not to kill him in front of his daughter but I let him go. He drops into the drivers seat and looks at me in fear  and relief wondering why I let him go but all I do is huff and jump off the car, I am aware now that I am the werewolf and I am in total control now. I feel great like my body is super relaxed and I technically have the body every boy and girl dreams of, but I am also worried that I murdered innocent civilians who tried to help me when I screamed in pain and I enjoyed it but that wasn't the real me, that was my beast side. I am running down the highway as the cops and army chase after me in their cars but I am way faster than any car they have, I stop so I could try to explain that I didn't mean to do the murders but my vocal chords are not apart of my transformation so I just roar. Then they got out and started blasting me with their shotguns until I got mad and imagined a wave of poisonous lava spiders washing over the army tanks and the soldiers. They scream in pain and start to run away until the police tried to take me on but they had silver bullets equipped, as they try to shoot me I run towards them and pick up a burning tank then throw it at them and I watch as they burn and die while suffering the biting of the lava spiders. I see them die or retreat while I run off into the night trying to find Jesus's house so we can discuss my plans of saving mankind until I see somebody come out of a bus and stop in the middle of the street I was running on, I couldn't believe my eyes when I seen who it was and he had a bloody grey werewolf pelt in his hand while I slow down to confront my other best friend, Julian Zaragoza! I stop dead in my tracks looking down at one of my most trusted friends as he faces me with no scent of fear in the air. "Stop there black beast as I am not a foe but a friend, I wish to join you on  your rampage as I have practiced the arts of the skin walker to be alongside one of your kind and hope you agree to my offer? I will be a great asset and will stick by your side till the end." I couldn't believe two things right now, one was that Julian didn't know that I was the werewolf and wanted to join me, and two that he was actually speaking elegant! I don't know what to say but I nod so my other friend could be apart of my clan of lycans, He screams yes and puts on the pelt. The next thing I knew he was turning into a werewolf but a little bit different from what I knew, when he was done changing he had no fur and his skin was red and he had black eyes. I ran off as he followed and went to jesus's within about ten minutes, when we went inside julian turned back into human and asked, "What are we doing here?" I knock and transform back into myself making julian shiver in delight as he just found out that I am his best friend. Jesus see's and invites us in to his house, I get a pair of my spare clothes in his closet as Jesus talks to Julian about our adventures and what it means to be a werewolf and as I lay on the couch later that night I think about what horrors I have caused and soon fall asleep. I wake up to have Jesus tell us to hurry up or we will be late to school, Jesus's mom takes us to school in her blue Mercedes. Jesus looks worried so I ask what is wrong, "A portal was opened today and its nearby west, I must go to the portal and close it before anymore demons come through." I am shocked to hear that they are here already but ask what should I do. "Alize some demons may wander around west and you have to kill them before they cause any panic or kill others, Julian if you want you can come with me to close the portal." Julian happily agrees as I am a little nervous, I never fought a demon before and I don't know how strong they could be but I just agree and go about my day. It was a normal day up till I was in chemistry with my lab partner Giselle, I felt a force of magic nearby as I raise my hand to go bathroom so I could change. As I leave the room I run outside and hide my clothes under the stairs and transform, it's painful of course but I muffle my noises with a spell I read from one of Jesus's books and head outside to face the beast. The demon is about 5 feet tall with a snake head and a bears body that had a bee's stinger for a tail, It screeches as ts see's me charge at it. I swipe and cut its arm as I bite his neck but it picks me up and throws me through the chemistry labs wall as everyone screamed and turned around. I roar in anger as I rip out a sink and stab it in the monsters eye as his brown blood sprays over the back row and he stabs me in the leg with the stinger, I roar in pain but manage to grab his jaw and put my claws in his nose then open it all the way open. I take a deep breath and imagine acid fire shooting out of my mouth like a dragon and then blow out as hard as I could and open my eyes to see green fire shoot into the demon's mouth and after a couple of seconds I pulled his head and it teared off with ease, his blood went all over the floor as I looked into Giselle's eyes and seen her in fear that something that is not real, is right in front of her. I remember that I was stung in my leg and I look to see that it is pouring like a waterfall so I quickly murmur words that give me a shock of pain that heals my wound, but then the weird magic aura was still here but even closer than before. And wouldn't I have known it A boy in my class named Mark got up and his iris's turned red, his  mouth opened wide and I seen two sharp bat teeth. I have never seen one but I easily guessed that he was a vampire and now in front of the entire class two supernatural creatures of the night will stand off and only one will survive. He leaps towards me but I instinctively yell a few spell words and a wall of fire breathing iguanas appeared right in front of me and mark crashed into it, they started to shoot fire at him from every angle as he screamed but then he said a word and the wall turned into silver spikes and shot back at me! I dodge most of them but four stuck into my chest, I roar in pain but fight on as I jump on him and start clawing like my life depended on it and before he could scream in pain I bite his neck and chew until I couldn't feel anymore air coming in or out. I get up to see that I am soaked in blood and the floor is flooded with the mixture of vampire, demon, and werewolf guts. I make sure he is dead and stomp on his skull but its harder than I thought it would be and after about ten heavy stomps his head splattered and bits of pieces  of skull and brain went all over the back row kids. I remember about the spikes in my chest and pull them out, they are not as painful as they would have been if I was just a normal werewolf but this was kind of an unfair match. I heal myself but I am too my durability limit and fall by Giselle in shock and see that I cut her leg but not much, she whispered aloud, "Ow!" as I started to transform back into myself lying on the floor unable to move, She realizes who I am and tries to pick me up but I am too heavy. I slowly get up and quickly limp to the stairs where my clothes were and said a spell that made a little rain cloud above me, as all the blood rinsed off I heal myself and put my clothes on. I look as clean as I left the class so I walk in like I just came back from the bathroom and pretend to be in shock and ask people what happened and junk, the demons mutilated body along with marks are still on the floor so I imagine a black hole sucking them in and all the mess, but as the black hole came it took some kids from class in with it to. The entire school was sent home for the incident and everybody cheered not knowing why we all were going home, everybody doesn't know I was the werewolf except Giselle, she won't leave my side and I healed her to because I felt bad for scratching her but I did not know that I would cause that thick scratch. She looked concerned of what I was and asked what was I and what is happening, I explain the best I could for her about werewolves and vampires and demons and magic, and it seems to get to her and she said, "Ok Alize if I did not see what have happened I would have never even talk to you but something is drawing us close and it's like a weird force in me saying that I needed this talk with you." Giselle was my first crush and I still liked her and before she could finish her sentence I kiss her, I expect that I went to far and pull away but she grabs my head and keeps me pressed against her lips. I am confused of why this is happening and why in the middle of a demon apocalypse but also my mind is fighting with itself thinking of all the horrors I have caused and thinking of all that lovey dovey junk. She finally pulls away and smiles, I gladly return the favor and ask if she was doing anything this weekend and she replies no so I ask, "Do you want to go out or something?" She nods in a yes motion slowly and I am about to kiss her again until Julian runs in through the broken wall and tells me quickly that the demons are breaking loose and Jesus needs my help right now to close the portal or it will be too late. I look at Giselle and she already knows by the sound of it that I am needed elsewhere so she nods to go with Julian who is patiently waiting and I smile and run off to go save the day. The portal is in a alley by the 7-11 parking lot and I try my best to help Jesus close it but I do not understand how, "I don't know how to do this Jesus you didn't teach me yet!" He is streaming a blue light at the red portal which is called a door, and he slowly moves closer to me than yells, "You need to concentrate and try to feel the pressure point so you can destroy this thing! Just do it!" I realize that I see a little pop tart looking monster jumping out of the door and hurry to my duties, So I close my eyes and hold my arms out like a zombie and try to connect my magic to the door and when I feel the two forming I have a weird feeling in my skin like if I was the driest pile of dirt on earth and got a drop of the coolest purest drop of water for the first time. I sense that Jesus is still struggling to find the door and try to tell him that this is way to easy but then I find the key which will close this portal and try to grab it, but it shatters and make a green glowing orb of light and hands itself to me. As I open my eyes I notice that the orb is in my hand and a voice inside my head yells at me in a clear voice, "THROW IT NOW!" I listen and throw with all my strength towards the door and it disappears through the center, as I think all hope is lost since I didn't know what to do anymore a rumbling started to take place and spirals of green popped out of the portal and soon it looked like an atom, then it all sunk into itself and exploded into a red and green mix of magical dust. I look at Jesus and see that he is still looking at where the portal was in confusion then looked at me in a feared yet happy expression, "Alize how did you do that?" I explain, "I closed my eyes and imagined a key to a door and a green orb came to me and told me to throw it into the portal." He replies, "I know how it works but how did you find the key within the first five minutes? I've been doing this for hours and made no change?!" I don't know what to say so I just shrug and see Julian in the distance and see him fighting the little pop tart monster in his beast form and laugh as Julian takes a bite out of it expecting good tasting sweets but instead a flood of disgusting demon blood.

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