Chapter 6

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The three of us hung out by west and watched as the police and secret government agents were investigating the crimes, I remember that Giselle and I are dating now and pull out my phone to call her but I then realize that I never got her number. As I sit down on the bleachers in the football field feeling stupid that I didn't ask for her number, I notice that the moon is coming out and I am about to tell Jesus to lock me up until I see that it is a half moon. I sigh in relief that the beast won't take over my body tonight and explain to Jesus and Julian about the demon incident I had in chemistry today (But didn't tell them the parts with Giselle) as I finish up the story I look at my phone to see that it is nearly nine at night so I tell the two that I have to go and that i'll see them when either school starts again or when another door opens. As I walk off into the night I hear a faint voice coming from all directions and see what is talking to me but I see or smell no one, as I walk on, the voice gets louder like if someone is standing right next to me and  I turn but still see nobody until I slowly start to realize that it was coming from my thoughts! I can hear him clearly now as he tells me, "Me and you are gonna be good friends lycan, me and you are one of the same and can do much to the world if we pleased. Then another voice is talking but it's like a beast talking to me, "Unleash me, you know what we must do! What we must feed on and be stronger than any living thing on this planet!" I realize that the beast was actually talking to me and start flipping out, I start to jog which makes me start to full on sprint and I am running real fast, I mean like i'm so fast I put race cars to shame and as I keep running I notice that i'm not getting fatigued and feel like my lungs are made of titanium! I start thinking what I am able to accomplish and start having high hopes until I see that I am down my block in Wheat Ridge and go to my apartment building. I buzz my mom to let me in and when I open the door she embraces me like if I was her long lost son, "Why are you crying mom?" She steps back a bit and says that she heard on the news that west was in a terrorist attack and that remaining survivors returned home, but that since i've been gone when my brother arrived she thought I was killed in the explosion. I want to tell her what really happened but the magic is holding my mouth closed so I just kiss her on the cheek and grab me a snack. I take a shower and rinse the dried blood out of my hair and clean underneath my fingernails scraping out the demon and vampire blood, I get out the shower and put my pants on then look into the mirror and see that I am a hunk! My abs and chest are really detailed and see that my scars throughout my life have healed. I grin and put my shirt on, I then go look through the fridge and see a new container of raw meat. I instinctively grab it and rip off the plastic and then grow out my werewolf teeth and tear it apart, I haven't ate raw meat before but I think i'm enjoying the taste more than I should. Then my phone starts to ring and I rush to go answer it, I pick it up and say, "Hello!" there is no answer. I slowly say, "Hello?" then I hear a faint weird mumbling coming from the phone and before I could hang up I hear the person yell a spell word which makes me start feeling a parade of pain. Than I noticed that my hands were turning grey and could see my black claws ripping out of my fingertips, I knew I was turning into a werewolf and I couldn't stop it no matter how hard I tried to fight. Next thing I knew I was jumping off the balcony and sprinting on all fours to wherever the beast was taking me, I tried to talk to the beast in my head so I could ask him what is happening but he was too focused on where the spell was leading him! So about an hour later I was wandering through the woods in the mountains, I can feel the magic talking to me but the beast is making him muffled as I see we are approaching a small wood cabin. I see all these brown and grey werewolves walking up with me and turning into humans, by the time I was done transforming back into myself the door opened too a familiar face that made me confused out of my mind. "Giselle?" I yell. she then grabs my cheeks and kisses me a good one, then she smiles and says, "It is you." I am confused and want to ask so many questions but she makes a hand gesture telling us all to come in. As all we muscular men and women come in we somehow stay still and cannot move at all, and the next thing I know a man comes in from another room dressed in a red cape thing with black and gold designs. He then presents himself in a gentlemanly manner, "Hello, my name is Chris and I am glad to have you all here. It is nice to know that all of you monsters of the night could make it here tonight." I start to think that he is gonna be a leader to us so we can destroy the demons, then he points at a very masculine man that even puts my build to shame and says, "Well, well it's nice to see that the leader of you all actually looks like a leader, well it is my honor to kill you!" He then grows white caws and rips into the mans chest pulling out his heart, I want to stop Chris but I still cannot move and I am forced to see the man die from a cheap shot and listen to what he says next, "Well as you all should know before I kill you bunch of wild maniacs is that I am your worst enemy, I am the vampire lord. And I just killed your only chance of survival, the black werewolf! I then understand that he made a mistake and killed the wrong guy! And I start to beg the beast to stop listening and change but I even know he has no control because he is whining like a dog in pain, I am about to give up hope until the magic yells at me with some mumbo jumbo and somehow I can move, so he makes me bark some spells which make all the werewolves able to move and run away! The vampire lord see's that I just ruined his plan and claps slowly, "Well done young wolf, but your too late. your leader died." I then grin and see that his smile fades as I say, "No you didn't." I then start to quickly transform and he see's who I really am, so he roars a beast roar too as I charged at him! He then transformed into a monster that looked like a man bat, and grew big bat wings. I grab him by the throat and right before I can throw him he claws my face and makes me let go, but i'm faster than he thinks I am and bite his neck! He is screeching in pain as I dig my teeth into his throat and shove my claws into his stomach, I then lift him over my head and throw him at the wall. He quickly starts to heal but not as quick as he would like too so he starts to spurt out spells which increased his healing factor, but I dig my claws into his neck as I lift him against the wall growling and snarling while he tries to pull my hand off his throat, but then I transform my vocal cords which is extremely painful, so I could ask him questions. "Why are you doing this?" I sound like a monster talking but he understands what I am saying and makes hand gestures so I can release his throat, I let go but bark a spell that makes magical chains wrap around him and float in mid air, he is in his human form now and starts to answer, "It's funny how you think I lost yet the war isn't even here yet." I say, "What war? What are you talking about?" he just grins and says, "You'll see when the day comes you dirty creature." He then mutters a spell which disintegrates the green magical chains and shoots upward in his bat form and says loud enough for me to hear as I look through the hole in the roof looking at him, "We will meet again Lycan, and next time I will be prepared!" He then scurries away as I leap through the hole and punch him right in his jaw as I hear it dislocate and hear him make a high pitched sound as I fall back down to earth, I think I will be in pain when I land on the ground but when I land it doesn't even sting me, then I remember that I got a gash on my cheek from Chris and rub my cheeks to see if it is bad, but in astonishment it already healed itself. As I transform back into human I look around to see where I came from but there is nothing but trees everywhere, so I try to make a portal home and it worked. So I stepped through and shut the portal as I walk down the street of my apartment and climb up the back balcony which still has the slide door a crack open, I smile and walk in very tired from fighting and since I still need sleep. I grab my phone off my bed and see that it is 8:30pm and I slump down on my bed and pass out.

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