weight of the waterfall

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Attention! This one shot takes place after book 4 of the original series. This contains a few spoilers from the s4 finale, just to let you know. Enjoy!

Morro sighed under the weight of a waterfall. He had traveled to a hot spings to hopefully clear his mind however, it didn't seem to work. Morro had himself under the rushing waterfall just by the edge of the spring.

"This is pointless." Morro sighed, moving away from the rushing water.
"So, what are you here for?" Asked a familiar voice. Morro thought for a few.
"Nya?" He turned his head and hot water was splashed onto Morro's face.
"Argh!" Morro shouted turning away.
"Don't look over here! Please...?" Nya said.

"Okay, sorry." Morro waved his hand and used his wind to push the steam beside him.
"So, what are you here for?" Nya asked again, pushing her hair out of her face. Morro sunk deeper into the water.
"I dunno. Escaping to clear my mind, I guess." The wind ninja said.
"And you?"

"Ehhh. Just getting time away from the boys. Especially Kai." Nya said.
"Ah, the annoying one of course." Morro said.
"You think they're all annoying." Nya said.

"I just wanted to clear my head. Didn't seem to work." Morro swirved his hand in the water. Nya raised her eyebrow.
"So you decided to stand under a waterfall." She said dryly.

"Yeah, it still didn't work." Morro thrusted his head under the water and quickly popped back up, gasping for air.
"Can I ask you someting?" Morro turned to Nya, still parted by the steam. Nya thought about it for a while.
"Only if you can answer my question after." Nya said. Morro rolled his eyes.
"Fine." He said.

"How... How can you mentally fight off... Things..?" Morro asked.
"Wow, you're bad at words." Nya said.
"Seriously?" Morro said, annoyed.
"Okay fine... You just do what you're doing now. Talking. But you're pretty bad at it." Nya said.

Morro sighed.
"I used to be able to be good at talking. With one person only." He said.
"You don't have a problem with me." Nya noted.
"You talk to me first." Morro looked up at the foggy blue sky. Nya did the same. Nya needed to ask her question now. However, she couldn't think of the right question.

"Okay, my turn." Nya floated on the surface of the water.
"Explain your true potential."

Morro froze. Wonderful. A question he was all about avoiding.
"I unlocked it under life threatening circumstances, yay..." Morro said, semi-enthusiastic.
"Sarcasm. You're best and worst quality." Nya said.
"Great." Morro sighed.

"Keep going." Nya waved her hand though the steam. Morro swatted away Nya's hand.
"Okay, okay."

"You already heard from me shouting, it was an anacondrai attack." Morro said.
"But it's hard to belive. Your power is strong enough to take down an anacondrai by itself!" Nya exclaimed.
"Listen, listen. I was under pressure. Not as literally as sensei at the time. That's a bad joke." Morro said.

"I think it had more to de because I was high in the air, up the mountains in the monastery. More in touch with the air." Morro looked up.
"Well, there's air everywhere." Nya sighed.
"I think when I'm more in touch with the nature of my element, it gets stronger." Morro said.
"The same thing might happen for Cole, you know, he's earth. One of the main elements of life."

"Life and not creation, right?" Nya asked.
"Yeah. Life. Earth, wind, fire and y-... If there's a water one. Ah." Morro sighed.
"So Kai or Cole can get that strong at some points. That would be cool." Nya said.

Nya sighed. She got out of the water. Morro turned his attention to her.
"ARGH!!" Morro shouted, falling back from water thrown in his face.
"You could just politely ask for me to turn around!" Morro shouted, faving away from Nya.

"What was the problem to unlock it?" Nya asked, drying herself.
"..." Morro wiped his face.
"I didn't fight just to win. I fought to protect. Protect family." Morro said. Nya nodded and fully dressed.
"Don't stay too long in the water." Nya said.

"Sure." Morro walked back under the waterfall.
"And don't get a concussion either." Nya added
"Okay." Morro breathed. Morro parted the water above his head with his hands. Splitting them apart, the water stopping it's fall and spraying upwards and different directions. The waters sparkled down and filled the sky with light.

"Nice." Nya said before walking.

Morro felt the waterfall drop on his back like a boulder. He was caught off guard and was pushed under water. The ninja accidentally gasped for air under the water. He quickly swam to the edge of the spring and held onto the ledge. Morro sighed.

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