
66 2 5

Hewo, so I see you stumbled across my OC book, this is my first time doing one of these and I'm on mobile so it may not be as good as other people's 👀 

Note: If you break a rule, I will not respond until you find the mistake and fix it or tell me you mistakenly broke a rule :3


I expect a certain amount of respect when it comes to roleplays, especially when I'm reading some and the person who made the book is getting ZERO respect. People work hard on these books and deserve love and appreciation from the people who are roleplaying with them, if I see you disrespecting me, I'm sorry if I'm seeming harsh, but I WILL delete our roleplay chain and your form, and you will have to wait a week before filling out a form again, if I see it before a week I will not accept it. Be rude to the OC, not the person.


Please note, as I may not have a life outside of Wattpad, I do get busy and/or am not trying to use up all my data. My family doesnt have the best income so I may be inactive for a few days, or weeks, at a time, if you are feeling as if I'm not answering your roleplay, please check others roleplays just to see, if they hadnt been answered than Im probably:

A. Out of data

B. Grounded because I have strict parents

C. Your comment got lost in my notifications (which then you have premission to tag me as long as it has been two days)

D. Im taking a break from Wattpad to do schooling, which I currently am a virtual student which has been difficult to do)

Or E. You have broken a rule and Im waiting for you to notice/fix it


Please give me all the recommended information on your forms, I understand that some of you are still developing your characters and thats fine, as long as you get the info I want on it, YES YOU MAY TAG ME JUST TELL ME BEFORE. Password is your favorite color or tag people you think would like this :3

Thats all I can think of, but rules are subject to change at any time, so check the date they were changed every now and then :3

Last updated: April 1st, 2021

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