The Wrath of Nature

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The Wrath of Nature
By MGL Emvie

Belerick lives in a onced lush forest. After a thousand years of slumber he awakened just to find his home rotting and decaying. Birds sang no more, the leaves grew brownier, and the fresh breeze was only a history. The once clear rivers and waterfalls began to glow murky with tints of green and ooze like a goo of blood. How did it happen? Only those humans that wander in the forest with their clanking of metals and burning acids know.

Once every century, Belerick could use a special spell to revitalize the nature. He could use his life force to share it to the plants and animals in the nature, or he could make the plants grow aggressively. The bitter shadows of death was the mist that hunts the forest, and in order to blow it away, Belerick cast this once in a century spell.

However, Kimmy owned a high tech research laboratory in that forest. Kimmy worked with chemicals and bioweapons. Her research facility caused the environment around it to fizz, and it even make the ground melt. With that stink and smog around that laboratory, even if a hardsmoker with an immune lungs breathe a tiny particle of the air in that place would die in a second.

When Belerick casted his powerful spell, the nature aura in that place leaped in a vigorous growth spurt. The land shook and the skeleton looking twigs of the plants and the trees trembled in joy like an excited jackpot winner. It turned brown and green with young glowing leaves spreading everywhere. The roots of the trees and plants ballooned and their trunks and stems display their rigor and sturdiness. The shrubs and grasses became the skin of the earth while the vines overcrowded every corners and spaces that it touches. An instant life screamed a battlecry to fight death, which drive the nimbus clouds away and summon the cerulean sky. When the rays of the sun returned, so was the natural harmony of the forest.

However, when the nature revitalized, Kimmy's laboratory got destroyed. Her decades worth of work burned and then it got swallowed. Witnessing this, she returned to the human empire to report a monster taking over the forest territory of the empire.

Kimmy met with Silvanna and the Lightborns to ask for help. "A monster attacked my lab in the forest. We may need Sun-shin' for if you have seen what I have seen, you'll know how dangerous is this monster. It uses a powerful ancient magic!" she said.

Then Silvanna, being a devoted leader, assembled the Lightborns and the Navy's Major General Yi-Sun-shin. After a scout confirmed the abnormalities in the forest, Silvanna launched an assault towards Belerick, the named monster.

When the imperial army arrived in the forest, they burned and destroyed almost everything they see moving. During that time, Belerick was still casting his spell but the rate of destruction from the land attack and coordinated bombardments from the shore, outdone his healing powers. So after learning this, Belerick seek the leaders of this human army. Due to the barrage of fire, bullets, and chemicals in the forest, he went ashore to seek audience in the imperial navy. When the navy caught him under telescope, they turned their guns and cannons at his direction. At first he thought that it was a way of greetings until it rained bullets and cannonballs.

"These people intended to destroy us! How many years we supported the humans! After leeching the life and power of nature! Why do they want to destroy us? Are they that confident that controlling small lightning and sharp metals that spit fire could help them? Parasites! The nature should punish the humans." Belerick said.

"I should call help from my ancient friends. Using these roots, I'll travel the deepest of earth and send my heartache and pain from these human atrocities to my friends. Groc, guard of mountains, hear my voice. Kadita, lady of the ocean, help me. Bane, the deep-sea warrior, join me. This roots will tell you everything." he added.

After several moments there comes a united answer, "Yes!"

So, Belerick started to cover the continent with thorns so no people may escape. After that, he produced earthquakes that split the lands. Groc, then hurled boulders to human villages and cities. Moreover, Kadita, enraged, summoned massive tidal waves that crushed ports of human cities. And then, she wiped and dumped wastes and garbages to man-made beaches. Riding on the tides, Bane sliced all vessels and warships that survived in Kadita's power. Then he ordered his minions to show the humans who owns the sea.

Upon learning the destruction of their territories, Silvanna realized her force's weaknesses. They won all the wars the empire had ever faced, but no magic or technology could ever beat nature. When a scout came and informed her about the ruin of neighboring kingdoms, Silvanna almost cried.

"This is no longer a war." she said.

So Silvanna and the Lightborns forces their way to meet Belerick, the monster.

"We're not here to fight. We wanted to talk." Silvanna said. "Stop this, we listen to your demands."

"Demands it is? The nature never ask you, humans for anything. We just want you to stop destroying us. Control your greed and selfishness because the earth and the sea feel pain too."

"We didn't think that our actions will be that bad. We're sorry!"

After that, Kimmy arrived and said. "You're right. We shall take care of nature. We just witness that these technology and science that we're eager to make will never help us. If our actions angers you, we'll seek a new way of development where we'll be friendly to the environment. Forgive us, forest monster."

Then the empire, the forest and the oceanic territories write a pact that they will respect and help each other from now on.

Author's Note: "Thank you for reading this short story. I am trying to be a man of literature but I am not professional. I wish to provide stories more beautiful and more entertaining. So please help me. Comment your constructive criticisms, thoughts, and opinions about this story. Finally, thank you and have a wonderful day!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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