The Prom

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In Simon's opinion so far his and Grace's senior year had been an ascending scale of perfection, each day better than the last with the two of them silently endeavoring to do all of the things they'd imagined doing together in high school all those years ago when Simon had been applying for a scholarship. Of course, as any ascending scale must, their senior year would have a definite peak, and Simon was interested in finding out what it was. Perhaps it was when the two had snuck out of class for an adventure.

Maybe, it had been when the two had stayed up all night driving around the town and belting songs way too loud as they stared up at the stars. Maybe the peak was the very first time the two had walked into school as seniors, together and completely and unabashedly unafraid of the future. Simon walked behind Grace who had her headphones in, singing to some pop song Simon had heard but didn't know the lyrics to. She danced along to it before turning and pointing at him as she sang the lyrics with a smile plastered on her face.

Simon revised his thoughts. Maybe the peak was everyday he got to spend with her. Of course, that was simply his idea, Simon was well aware Grace had another, and that idea was that the peak of their senior year was still upcoming but fast approaching. That their senior prom was bound to be the peak of an excellent year. Of course, Grace hadn't even brought up senior prom but Simon knew anyway because he knew Grace well enough to know that she'd been planning it since they were fourteen.

He remembered vividly her describing how she'd be the prom queen and wear the most beautiful dress anyone had ever seen and how for just one night she'd for sure be absolutely perfect. Simon remembered even at fourteen thinking that Grace was already perfect, but feeling that should keep that thought to himself. And so even though she hadn't said anything yet, with it so close he was sure that Grace was already thinking about makeup and hair and of course her dress.

And really that would have all been fine with Simon, he knew Grace, he loved Grace, he knew how she was about these types of things. But the only issue was the fact that Simon didn't really do school dances. The only one he'd ever gone to was Homecoming, back in their freshman year, and though Simon didn't know it that would end up being a disaster for more reasons than one. But mostly that was when he'd seen Grace kiss her boyfriend at the time and it a fit of stupid adolescent jealousy planted the seeds to accidentally string Kayla along.

After that he hadn't cared about things like school dances and considering that Kayla hadn't either he'd managed to skate by his sophomore and junior years without encountering them. But now, now he was with Grace and he knew that she'd want to go and he knew he wouldn't say no to her. So Simon figured that he'd have to suck up his residual uncomfortableness about dances and pull it together so that he could take his girlfriend to prom. Nothing was going to happen this time, he knew that.

Still, even with that knowledge he didn't exactly feel excited at the prospect of a night on a boat in the middle of nowhere, wearing an uncomfortable suit and watching other people have the time of their lives while he stood around semi-awkwardly. And the worst part was that he couldn't even say any of this to Grace, not because she wouldn't understand, but because she would. Grace would understand so much that she'd insist that they didn't go and Simon had no intention of ruining what she'd dreamed off since middle school.

"What are you thinking about?" Grace asked, pausing her music and taking out her headphones. Apparently the internal conflict he was struggling with had decided to make itself external and had appeared on his face. And now Grace was worrying about him which was quite obviously the thing he wanted least.

"Just, how much I love you." Simon said casually and Grace raised an eyebrow at him before shaking her head.

"Nice try, but you're going to have to try a little harder because I invented that trick." she said before approaching him closer and holding his hands, giving them a squeeze.Grace looked into his eyes, more soft than serious and asked again. "What are you thinking about?" she said and Simon settled on a half truth.

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