The Museum

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Simon loved the museum. He loved all field trips of course, any excuse to get out of the overcrowded classroom with it's gum incrusted desks and freezing cold temperature was a welcome, but the museum was his favorite. He'd been going for as long as he could remember and he was sure he'd keep going until he was old. Simon stared at the scale model train that looked at him imposingly. It was only a replica of the real thing but it was a convincing one.

Simon was sure that had he been a little younger, or a little more foolish, he could convince himself he had time traveled to when the thing was built. It's shiny black coat of paint reflected a little of his face in a distorted manner and he stared at himself though he wasn't sure why. Something about the train made him uncomfortable though he couldn't place why. Maybe because it was a reminder of exactly how small he was.

Simon wished that he were older, or taller. He wished he was twenty instead of ten and could do what he wanted without being constantly reminded of how far he was from any amount of freedom. And so there Simon stood locked in an unwinnable staring contest with the train for a reason he couldn't decipher. Simon heard a voice behind him and jumped.

"Are you okay?" Simon whipped around to look at the girl who asked him. She was taller than him, but he could tell she was his age. Her hair was in a puff on the top of her head tied with a red ribbon and she wore a plaid black and red skirt with a white blouse that had the name of her school emblazoned on it in cursive. Or at least he thought it was the name of her school, Simon couldn't read cursive. He could tell from her appearance that she probably went to a fancy private school and the absolute put-togetherness or her outfit made Simon feel strangely self conscious about his outfit that his mom had forced him to wear.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" he said casually. The girl smirked at him.

"Because you've been staring at that train for a long time." she said shrugging before leaning against the railing next to him. "Is there something interesting about it?" she asked. Simon shook his head.

"I just got distracted." he muttered before changing the subject. "You know, my mom says I'm not supposed to talk to strangers." he said matter of factly. This girl seemed alright from the outside but who knew what she was really up to.

"Well, my name is Grace, what's your name?" she asked. Simon responded without thinking.

"My name is Simon." he said. Grace cracked a smile.

"Well, then now we're not strangers anymore. Anyway, are you here on a field trip too?" she asked. Simon nodded.

"Yeah, we have to travel in groups with our chaperones." he explained. Grace looked around.

"Where are they?" she asked. In response Simon quickly scanned the room as panic set in. He'd been left by his group and now he was alone in a giant mesum that he didn't know his way around and he was definitely going to be lost forever. Or even worse, he'd be found and would get in trouble for wandering off. It was truly a no win situation. He let out a groan. Grace looked at him. "You get lost?" she asked. He nodded in response.

"You too?"

"Yep." Now the both of them stood there by this train, both having lost their groups and having no way to find them. Despite this, Grace seemed oddly calm, even relaxed as she started walking off.

"Where are you going?" Simon asked, surprised and a little panicked. He didn't want to lose the only other person he knew in this place. She looked at him surprised that he wasn't on her wavelength.

"Duh, they'll come looking for us once they've realized that two kids are missing, and we'll both be in major trouble whether they find us here or somewhere else, so we might as well have fun." she said casually. "Are you coming with me?" she asked pointing at the sign that made reference to the planetarium. Simon knew nothing about this girl other than that her name was Grace, but Simon didn't have that many friends. In fact, he had exactly two friends which was probably why no one noticed when he disappeared.

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