Bring It On

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Alaïa's outfit\hairstyle

Alaïa's outfit\hairstyle

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Mystic Falls

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Mystic Falls

[It's night-time. Alaïa is slowly walking down the middle of an empty road. She stops. Her face is completely emotionless. She turns and looks around her for a minute before lying down on the road, spreading her arms out and closing her eyes as she waits. A car approaches the spot where Alaïa lies in the middle of the street. The woman driving sees Alaïa lying there and stops her car a few feet away from her.]

[The woman has gotten out of her car and runs over to Alaïa.]

Woman: [crouching down next to Alaïa] Are you all right? Was there an accident? Where are you hurt? Are you in pain?

Alaïa: [opens her eyes] I don't feel anything.

Woman: I have a blanket in my car. Try not to move. I'll call for help.

[The woman gets up and trots to her car. Alaïa remains on the pavement, looking completely numb. The woman opens the trunk of her car and retrieves the blanket. She turns around to see Alaïa standing right behind her, looking at her hungrily.]

Woman: What are you doing?

[ Alaia smirks and starts to vamp out. She extends her fangs and growls ferociously as she bites into the woman's neck. She holds onto the back of the woman's head as she feeds from her. Alaïa eyes started glowing red]

Damon: [walks over to the car] That's enough.

[ Alaia ignores him and continues to feed.]

Damon: [grabs Alaïa's arm and pulls her off the woman] I said that's enough. [Turns Alaïa around to face him.] We agreed no killing.

Alaïa: This is the first person I've seen in days whose body isn't laced with vervain and I'm hungry.

Damon: If you leave a trail of bodies, people are gonna start asking questions.

Alaïa: I don't care.

Alaïa Gilbert //The Vampire DairiesWhere stories live. Discover now