Strike for love and strike for fear

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  Hi! So I'm using another deleted Frozen song. This one is Life's Too Short.

______________________________________ "WHAT!?" They shouted. Arella nodded as Raven sobbed.

   "I'm a murderous monster! She didn't deserve that, but I did it anyway!" She sobbed harder. Arella took an orb out of Raven this time.

   "I'm scared Metrion." Mazly and Raven were in a bed, a storm raging outside.

   "Don't worry Mazly. I'll always be there for you. I'll always protect you."



The scene ended. The Titans waited patiently for Arella to talk again.

   "That was before Metrion knew that she was half demon. When she learned, she started to get scared. Her powers would go off. She looked herself in her room. Mazly would try to get her out. One day, Mazly found a way to get in. Metrion was very scared that day. I forget why. As soon as she saw her sister, she knew she wasn't safe. And, as you just saw, Metrion promised to protect Mazly. So she struck Mazly with her powers. She survived the blow, but was knocked out for two days. Then Metrion ran away. She was hiding in an old library, though Mazly was the one to figure out out. I'll show you what happened." She pulled an orb put off her robes.

   "This isn't my memory." She explained. Raven saw the shape.

   "It's Mazly's." She whispered. Arella nodded. The scene showed Raven looking to be the same age she was now talking to a about 16 year old Mazly. Mazly started singing. "I came all this way today, to give us fresh start. And now that you're like 'wow', it's all like, warm in my heart." Raven smiled. "So glad you like it sis, cause this is the real me. You have no idea, how great it feels to be free!" "We've been fallin out, for way too long. So let's forget who's right," Mazly started. "And forget who's wrong." Raven finished. "Okay!" They agreed. "Why don't you stay? There's room for family in my court." "Cause life's too short," they started together. "To always feel shut out and unloved, by the sister I longed to know." Mazly finished. "Life's too short!" (Everyone they say life's too short they say it  together) "To never let you celebrate me, the true queen of the ice and snow!" She made it snow with her powers. "Whoa!" Mazly shouted, amazed at the snow. "I never understood," Raven started, "I never understood," Mazly echoed. "But now I do. Life's too short, to miss out on a sister like you!" Mazly looked a little nervous. "So, you'll come back then?"

"Back?" Raven looked confused. "To thaw the fjord. It's frozen over, and no one can get in or out?" She finished in more of a question. Raven looked at her for a moment. "Oh..." Mazly looked hopeful. "So..." Raven looked mad now. "Ugh,I don't believe you." She scoffed. Mazly looked shocked. "What? I just assumed that you would~" Raven cut her off " That I'll shove on the gloves. That's how your story ends?" Her voice broke slightly. "It does. It's just like it was, except for we'll be best friends." Mazly tried to save it. "So that's in your plan? To force me back in a cage!" "Whoa, whoa. Don't get upset. Let's get back on the same page." Raven started pushing her towards the door. "Gee, thanks for comin up, to see the place. And showin off your mastery of tact and grace. Okay! Run down the hill, and spill my secrets. Make a full report! Bye bye!" "Wait!" "Cause life's too short~" Mazly cut her off by slamming the door. "There it is! The door! You love to slam in my face! You did well there, for a spell. But now you're back in the same place. Kick me out if you want, but I'm the only one who, is not one hundred percent, convinced the prophecy's you!" Raven glared at her. "You can think, whatever you want cause I don't care! You're a full who married a stranger." "That is so unfair!" "I swear! I'm through with taking your unshaking sisterly" they started together "support" Raven finished. "Support." Mazly echoed. "SUPPORT!" Raven shouted. "Ha! Cause life's too short" Mazly beat Raven to singing the next part. "To let you treat the people down there just as coldly as you always treated me!" Raven started going 'lalalalalalala!' When Mazly said 'just as coldly as you always treated me' "life's too short!" "To listen to a reckless fool, who only ever sees the things she wants to see!" "You don't know me!" "You have no idea" Raven started "what I've been through. Because of you! Life's to short, to waste another minute! Life's too short, to even have you in it! Life's to short!" They finished together. Mazly started talking. "I've been so wrong about you!" Raven turned to face her with tears in her eyes. "You, you've been so wrong about everything." You could hear the fear in her voice. The Titans knew what she was afraid of, and that's exactly what happened. "Maybe you ARE the prophecy!" Mazly yelled. "I am NOT THE PROPHECY!!!" She yelled, her powers turned into knives and flew at Mazly. Raven watched as they stabbed her, then it went black.

   "I turned into the monster everyone knew I was." Raven whispered. Beastboy's eyes widened I realization.

   "Strike for love and strike for fear." The others looked at him curiously, except Raven and Arella, who already knew.

   "The first time Raven hit Mazly, it was for love. The second, out of fear."

   "Oh, yeah." Cyborg agreed. Raven did up abruptly.

   "I think that's enough for today. I'll show you your room Arella." They walked out of the room. Cyborg, Robin, and Starfire followed. Beastboy hesitated slightly, whispering before he left.

   "I know how you feel, Metrion."

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