𝟎𝟎𝟐 | Earl of Cornwall

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March 22nd, 1813

"Sunoo, darling!" The Mistress of the House, Mistress Kim softly called over her son. "How's your new tutor?"

Kim Sunoo smiled sweetly without any malignant intent at his Mother. "Exceptional. He was better than the last stuttering tutor—that tutor is good, though—I've finally understood a bit of the previous lesson."

"Great!" Mistress Kim clasped both of Sunoo's hands. "I'll head first in the Dining Room. Do change your attire, it's highly inappropriate for dinner."

"Yes, Mother. I do know proper etiquette, you raised me as a proper gentleman, after all." Sunoo's lips quirked amusingly.

"Right. Off you go, if your Father sees you in thisstate; he'll have your head."

Sunoo kissed his mother's cheeks and bid her farewell before he strode toward the mansion's staircase. He hastened his steps when he saw his Father turning around the corner.

From Sunoo's standpoint, he and his father are opposites. His father is a man of virtue, he believes in what he thinks is right, he's strict and stern when it comes to his goals. He despises people who don't take their nobility seriously—the Royal Faction fits the description. Even though he's strict at etiquette he's amicable and accepting to his family.

Sunoo's attitude is always laid back, free-spirited, courageous—at things he wants to advocate—and finds a reason to smile even amid a faction war between their faction (The Noble Faction) and the other faction (The Royal Faction). He wasn't that pressured to act uptight and proper all the time. His older brothers, father, and mother are quite fond of his deposition, though, if they're just within their fief and not in a social setting.

They coddle him if they have the chance to do so. . . sometimes Sunoo forgets that his family is a noble one who holds a prestige that other nobles are envious of. When he was four he thinks they are just a happy and loving family playing housein an enormous mansion with a hectare of garden.

How silly.

Sunoo's maid already prepared the outfit he's gonna wear for tonight's dinner and without any fuss, Sunoo lets his maid dress him up starting from his shirt that has a ridiculous amount of frills in the wrist and collar. Pairing up his shirt with a simple cream cravat and a fitted alabaster tailcoat.

Sunoo smiled and thanked his maid before leaving his room, skipping his way downstairs, and humming a lullaby altogether. He checked himself one last time before he told the maid to open the Dining Room door. He peeked his head inside and saw his father and mother chatting silently at the table.

"Good Evening, Father" Sunoo looked at his Father and then at his Mother. "Good Evening, Mother." and kissed his mother's cheek.

Mistress Kim smiled warmly and pinched her son's cheeks. "You look dashing, darling."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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