Percy 1 (ch 1)

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Tw- indirect mentions of depression, mention of a possible eating disorder, and slight PTSD? Mention of an ED (Let me know if i missed anything)

Laying on my bed while everyone else is eating has become a little too normal for me. Just waiting for somebody to notice I'm missing, everyone always does but nobody really cares. Typical...

I suppose I should introduce myself, even though if you are reading this you probably already know me. I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, boyfriend to Annabeth Chase, one of the 7 Heroes of Olympus, and a very happy person...or am I? Yes my dad is Poseidon, Yes Annabeth is my amazing girlfriend, yes I was a Hero of Olympus, but am I really happy...or is it all an act? I guess we can figure that out together.

BAM BAM BAM! I flinch at the loud knocks on my door. "Who's there?" I say just loud enough for whoever was outside to hear.

"It's Annabeth, can I please come in Seaweed Brain?"


As Annabeth walks in, in a rush, I hastily sit up, immediately feeling dizzy due to the fact I had been laying down for so long.

"Hi" I say a bit awkwardly.

"Percy, I'm worried about you." Annabeth says, I can feel her grey eyes piercing into my skin as she speaks

"What? Why? I'm fine, Wise Girl." Uh yeah, that is a lie.

"You have barely shown up for any meals recently, or come out of your cabin in general! You don't seem fine to me!" I can most definitely hear the irritation and concern in her voice.

"Well I am fine believe me, I would tell you if I wasn't." I declare while turning away from her and attempting to sound convincing.

I can hear a sigh of disappointment escape Annabeth's lips before she steadily sits on my bed next to me and takes my hand.

"Percy....can you please look at me?"

I leisurely turned my head towards my girlfriend, avoiding her eyes.

"Seaweed Brain, You know I love you right"

I nod "yeah, and I love you too"

She smiled, it's the type of smile that is too contagious. I smiled back at her. However, my smile began to fade when I noticed her appearance, she had dark circles under her eyes, she was more pale than usual, and even as she smiled she had a constant bit of sadness etched on her face. It was obvious something was wrong and it broke something inside of me to see her this way.

I think she noticed when I stopped smiling because her smile too faded and her expression became full of worry.

"Are you ok Seaweed Brain?" She sounded comforting, her voice was soft as well as the way her thumb rubbed circles on the back of my hand.

"I- are you ok?" I was obviously avoiding the question.

"I've been better... but I am more concerned about you." Her voice sounded like it was demanding an answer from me, an answer that I didn't want to give. And with that I stayed silent.

She sighed. "Ok, fine, you don't have to tell me right now..."

"I'm sorry wise girl...." I mumble extremely quietly. I don't think she heard me though because she didn't say anything and just stood up.

"Campfire is starting soon, c'mon" I heard her say and noticed that her hand was out expecting me to grab it.

The truth is, I didn't want to go to the campfire. But then my brain trailed off to how many times I had already turned things down in that day.

 I mentally turned down every meal, I turned down giving Annabeth a simple answer, I turned down even leaving my cabin in general. I came to the conclusion that I shouldn't turn down any more today.

"Mk..." I take my girlfriends hand and we walk out of my cabin together.

Hi, so this is the first chapter....i hope you enjoyed. I feel like this is just absolute shit but whatever. I know its short but I couldn't find a way to make it longer lol, i will try to make other chapters longer.

Thanks for reading!
           -percy 💜

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