Poem 4

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Let feel feel your soft words bouncing from my skin
Let me feel the feeling of fresh rain hitting the jungle floor
Allow me to bathe in the river of sweet honey and nectar
Lazily lay in my lap by the water
Take off your robe of chaos and don the seal of royalty
Give back the things that have been taken from the heart of man
See the beauty of all things you see when you stand
Take heed to my words and love thy mother as thyself
Don't leave me in the open field yearning for another glance of you,
Don't go far from me and I'll always be with you
Burning sands in hothead wet lands make no difference
Pure orange sky to the flame that glistens
It's an off occurrence of twojust me and you
It's an odd time of night that's makes you cover the light
The air opens
Pillows lay down and welcome the soliders
Blood stained windows trickle nickel tasting blood
Put the love of your life next to his favorite vice where will he go?
Will he amaze upon our misery or take you in kindredly
How may more word do i have to write to get to you
Why cant we be friends
Only till the morning ends

Word count : 217
Pour l'amore de ma vie

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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