Summer's end, Love's beginning

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"Aguero? Aguero! Are you listening?"

"H-huh?? Y-Yeah..."

"Are you okay? You've been really out of it..." a concerned worried tone revealed from the said figure.

Aguero's blue looks up, his navy hues shoot a threatening glare.

'Why haven't you been coming for the past years? I was waiting!'

... is what he wanted to yell aloud but instead of being exposed to his clingy self showing his worried and care-ness towards the other man sitting across him, Aguero chooses to keep himself hidden for the time being. He breathes in and swallows.

"First thing you did was drag me to this cafe and now you're asking this. Bam, what do u take me for?" the bluenette tried hinting a deep frustration madness mixed of unpleasant emotions albeit deep down Aguero can finally relax as his brunette is now by his side even after all that had happened. The golden-eyed boy has returned back to him.

Glassy bougie café situated somewhere out in the countryside, far away from their secret forest. Luxury, classy, popular, cozy and most welcomed- you name it, a lovely place to come if you want to relax from all the stress and headaches you went through in the path of journey call life and also a place where you would come to confront all that has been kept away. The pair of friends seated in a cozy, comfortable area away from the crowded customers- a room of their own.

The brunette a bit saddened by Aguero's disappointed voice but he knows that he's just worried and really cares for him. Bam nips from his cup of sweet sugary cocoa chocolate frappe and explains everything to his dear friend, Aguero deserves to learn about it.

"Right after you left, my parents had been talking about living somewhere else too and... we kept on moving until we found a perfect one, that explains why I was switching in between schools. The very spot they came to love is someplace quiet and not well-known, it was hard to travel back in time for our meetings which makes me late."

"Very late."

Aguero adds on as he listens attentively trying to find a reasonable response where he can forgive Bam but so far, Aguero still has no idea. His sapphire deep blue stares deeply as if attempting to dig daggers to leave scarred marks while the brunette tries his very best to continue and avoids Aguero's bad mood. Bam hopes his next words won't make it too awkward but he too wishes to give his truest words at all time and he really means this one sentence of the statement.

"Yeah... I'm sorry." His golden orbs filled with genuine sincerity.

"You've been working extra hard and I wanted to get you something so I took some part-time jobs around the time. My student, Rachel- I had been assigned to tutor her for time being. It was going smoothly, she's a very hardworking and nice girl!"

Aguero furrows his brow as the brunette continues to talk about this student of his-

'Is it jealousy? Am I jealous? No.'

Perhaps, it's because Bam has never taught someone before or perhaps it's only because Aguero has never heard of Rachel. Maybe that's why he's not in a good mood and perks whenever he heard the sound of her name. Perhaps... that's the only reason. Yeah.


Aguero clicks his tongue. Bam has been talking nonstop about something he has no interest in at all.

"Get straight to the point, Bam."

Bam perks up from Aguero's remark.

"...It was all so sudden and she had a mock exam around summer... I stayed to help her..." his voice hints at a face of regrets. If he could go back in time, he would've changed the past and throw everything just to come and see his Aguero.

Aguero's blue turns cold and distant, arms crossed he opens his mouth.

"So, you picked her over me?"


It's not like Bam can say much, Aguero's not going to listen. He's not completely wrong, Bam did choose to stay and tutor Rachel instead of coming to see Aguero. But what can he do? He had already made a deadly mistake, in that time he did give it much thought that it was to get his paycheck early to get something- a surprise for Aguero the next time they meet but he ruined it.

Bam goes on with his reason. Aguero is giving him a chance to explain and he needs to say everything before it's too late!

"She told me her birthday was during summer and her parents were going on about it... I can't-"

"-say no to them. I get it, Bam."

Bam's golden orbs turn down to the floor.

"I checked up on a plane ticket to come see you quickly after and stayed here for a one-week trip but..."

His voice getting weaker and softens.

"...but I have no ways of getting in contact with you..."

It's funny. All these years they've hung out and yet they had no idea how to contact one another besides their kiddy promise.

"I see."

That was all he heard back from the bluenette. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just two words. 'I see.' Why does it pierce scars inside his heart as if that two words act as a scabbard?

The brunette can feel the huge distance standing between them and it's his fault, he caused it- he made it happen. He lifts his face up to meet the man he had been avoiding only to see Aguero standing up, his backpack in his grasp and turns his slender back on him. Bam quickly stands on his feet and grabs the bluenette's in a hurry, just in time. A minute late and Aguero would've managed to be out of his flaxen yellow sight for the last time. That might've been his final view of all blue- rare blue. His hoarse voice raise-

"Aguero, please understand. I wanted-!"

Bam grabs the other by shoulders and turns his front around.

"I wanted to see you so bad, my heart aches at the very thought of not seeing you, Aguero. "

Aguero meets the amber pair, his heartbeat thumps a louder sound and beats harder. He's not mad or pissed at Bam, he understands Bam's reason and knows it's all for him but just this once, Aguero wants to act selfish and maybe sulk for a day or two then get back on the brunette but he wasn't expecting this at all!

"I've missed you." His words, a confession of sweet love.

'Ah- I've missed you too, Bam! More than you could think of!' his inner voice getting louder and desires to be shout aloud for the brunette to hear.


This melts Aguero's icy heart as heat flushes down his fair skin covering a painted tint of red shade blushes on his ears, cheeks- everywhere on his body.

"I want to see the cherry blossoms with you, Aguero! I wish to enter fall season with nonetheless the man whom I devote my everything to."

Ah... This. This fluttering tingly feeling. Is it-

Love? Am I falling in love with Bam?

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