The text

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Kaelyn's POV

      After the whole cafe incident I clocked out of work and hoped in my car. I probably just sat there for at least an half and hour debating on whether or not Im fully conscious or dreaming.

     My car pulls up to my apartment garage still with me having so many thoughts on my mind. Am I dead? I pinch myself to make sure. Nope, I'm not dreaming and I'm not dying. Tom fucking Holland just asked for my number. A laugh escapes my lips. Shaking me head,  I turn my car off and make my way up to my apartment. My hands search for my house keys and once I get inside i'm greeted by my cat. 

    I open the current novel i'm reading and try to calm down. Anything to stop thinking about him. I can't get my hopes up. Okay there's no way he would be even close to liking someone like me.

   A few hours pass and I drift off into sleep, book in hand, and of course dreaming of...well, you know who.

Tom's POV

    I get home and take a breath. Did I seriously just start to fall for a fan. I simply can't let this happen, nor can i afford it. But I just can't stop thinking about her laugh, her smile, her attitude. Ugh! I have her number in my phone. Right here! But my thoughts are struggling on if I should text her. Maybe this girl is different. Maybe she's not like the rest of my fans. Just maybe I can find someone special and it could be her. But that would only be a dream.

My thoughts are interrupted.
"TESSA!" I yell as my crazy dog jumps on me.
"Get down Tes!"
She gets down and starts to whine.
"Your okay, just no jumping," I scratch behind her ears to prove i'm not upset with her.
I walk to the couch and sit down, getting comfortable. I want to text her so bad but I'm gonna wait just a few more hours.

Kaelyn's POV - Wednesday Dec 2nd

        I wake up and the first thing I do is check my phone secretly wanting there to be messages from Tom. And to my surprise there are three sent from him last night.

Tuesday December 1 : 10pm

Tom- Hey this is Tom.
Tom- I hope your doing better.
Tom- Sleep well:)

My heart starts beating faster and I bite the bottom of my lip.

Wednesday December 2 : 9 am

Kaelyn- Hey! This is Kaelyn. And i'm doing pretty good. How are you?
Tom- I am glad that you are feeling better. I am    doing okay. Tessa is jumping on me haha. I'm sorry      about yesterday again.
Kaelyn- No Tom it's not your fault. I appreciate you helping me:)
Tom- Ofc! I have to go but talk later?
Kaelyn - I would love too.

I try to stop myself from smiling but it's not really going as planned. I set my phone down and stare at my wood floor.

     " Hellooooo??? Kaelyn open up girl!" Knocks are showering the door.
Thats Hannah. She's my best friend in the whole entire world and I love her probably more than anything.
"Coming!" I yell back.
I open the door and she greets me with a big wrapped box.
" What is all this!?" I ask with shock.
"But my birthday isn't for another 10 days,"
"Trust me...there are more presents coming for you!"
"Hannah, you don't have to do that,"
"Girl please, you know I go all out for your birthday" she rolls her eyes.
Hannah and I have been best friends since 8th grade. I tried to get her to be my roommate but she said that she needed to be independent. She's a interior designer and she makes the big bucks. Hannah's always dressed in the nicest clothes which she is kind enough to share. She is crazy wild and has a bitchy attitude. That's why I love her.
We sit down on my couch and I decide I should tell her.
"Hannah I have something to tell you."
"What's up?"
I tell her about the whole incident with Tom. I tell her everything.
" NO FUCKING WAY!!!" She screams.
I smile and let myself get exited.
"I know right! It was the best day of my life!"
" You are so lucky Kaelyn, that is fricken awesome. Are you guys gonna hang out??"
"I don't know, but I hope so,"

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