My Birthday

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Kaelyn's POV : Saturday December 12 : 9 am

Today is my Birthday and i'm turning 21. However, when I woke up this morning, it felt like any other morning.

Hannah and Dylan come busting though my bedroom door.
I let out a low growl and sit up.
"Why are you guys here so early?" I ask.
" Kaelyn it's your birthday. You only turn 21 once," Dylan explains.
"Oh and happy birthday," he adds.
I get up and start waking to the kitchen to eat breakfast.
"So what's the plan for today?" I ask them, knowing Hannah planned out everything.
" I was thinking a club. Starts tonight at 9 pm. I bought you a limo for the night. Happy birthday,"
I almost chock on my cereal.
"A limo?" I ask in disbelief.
"Your going to love it, trust me. Plus, you can invite your boyfriend," Shoot Hannah, wrong move.
Dylan flitches and looks at me with his rock solid eyes.
"Boyfriend?" He shakes his head like he's trying to get rid of the idea of me having a boyfriend.
" I so this sounds crazy but Tom Holland and I kind of have a thing going on," I explain even though Tom and I aren't technically dating. He just straits up laughs.
"Haha, you funny Kaelyn! He's a famous actor, there's no way he would like you," As soon as the words left his mouth, I can tell he regretted them.
I just stare at him.
"Well I'm not joking Dylan and if you don't believe me then I guess you can see him tonight at my smashing party! At which I'll look hot. So i guess your missing out!"
Hannah whistles.
I tell him everything that happened last week. As soon as I'm done, I can read jealousy all over his face. And a little hint of hurt.
"Dylan, I..." I start.
"It's fine Kaelyn, just enjoy your birthday,"
I shouldn't be feeling bad for him, he's the one who said that hurtful thing. I know Dylan likes me and I can't deny that I liked him once too. But now I really like Tom.


I text Kaelyn to wish her a happy birthday. She was talking about it when we had dinner. That night was amazing and I can't stop thinking about it. Kaelyn texted me all the details about her party. I am super exited and I love to party myself. But it will be even more fun when I get to be there with her. It is 7pm so I have started getting ready. I'm going to wear club appropriate clothes, but also something that she'll like. Some jeans and a white button down shirt should be fine. I know she likes this because I noticed her checking me out before she came into my house. It's about 7: 30 when I get finished getting ready. For the rest of the time, I decide to take Tessa for a walk.
"Tessa darling! Come, we are going for a walk!"

I am all ready for the club. I have a skin tight black dress and light makeup.
"The limos here!" Hannah yells.
Dylan left a few hours ago to get ready. Hannah just brought all of her stuff. We grab our bags and head out to the limo.
" Thank you so much for all this Hannah!" I hug her in appreciation.
"Of course! Anything for my girl!" She hugs me back.
"Now let's go party!" We both yell at the same time.
It's about 9:10 pm when we pull up to the club. Hannah and I grab our things and head in.
"Wait, I got something for you," she says as she pulls a fake tiara out of her purse.
"The queen needs a crown,"
"Awe, thanks girl," I put the crown on my head trying not to mess up my hair. There is loud music playing and the whole place is crowded. I follow Hannah to the bar and I get myself a Sheryl temple. I know that I can drink alcohol but I want to do that later tonight.
"Oooo, hot boy two o'clock!" Hannah looks at me for approval.
"Go! Go have fun," I say as I throw my hands in the air and smile.
Once she leaves I start looking around for Tom. Someone walks through the door and it's Dylan.
"Dylan!" I wave him towards me.
He walks over and orders a drink.
"Hey, how's the party?" He asks.
"It's actually pretty fun so far!" I have to shout because it's so loud.
"I bet it will be better when your boyfriend gets here." He laughs under is breath.
"Dylan, we're not dating."
Something shifts in him when I say that.
"Is that so?" He raises his eye brows.

My driver pulls up to the club and I get out. I walk into the building as fast as I can;trying not to be noticed. The good thing about clubs is that they are so crazy and crowded that nobody really pays attention to me. As I make my way through the dancing crowd I keep my eyes open for Kaelyn. I decide to go to the bar, maybe I'll find her there. I push my way through people and then I see her. She is so hot. I am staring at her and I don't even notice that she's taking to someone. A friend maybe?
"Hey Kaelyn!" I welcome her with a hug.
Her friends jaw drops.
"Hi Tom! This is my friend Dylan." I offer my hand and he takes it tightly.
"So you weren't kidding huh..." is all he can say.
Kaelyn glares at him and he gets up to walk away.
"Dylan...Dylan, where are you going?" Kaelyn yells.
He doesn't respond. I sit in the open seat next to her.
"I don't think he likes me very much," I point out.
"Ugh, don't worry about him! I'm glad you made it!" She smiles.
"So have you had anything to drink?" I ask, knowing that she's 21 now.
"Not yet. Do you want to get the birthday girl something. Maybe a round of shots?" She asks with a little pout.
"Are you sure you can take it?"
She rolls her eyes and laughs. "I've had alcohol before Tom!"
I grin and order the round. After some drinking I can tell that she's a little tipsy. Not drunk yet though. She grabs my hand and leads me to the dance floor.
"Dance with me." Kaelyn says.
I grab her waist and move with her. The crowd is going crazy and moving together. She starts to grind on me. I follow along with her, and I am having so much fun. And the touch of her body is driving me crazy. As we keep dancing, a girl comes up to me and asks if she can dance with me.
"Omg your Tom Holland right?" She starts running her hands down my arms. She then pushes Kaelyn out of the way. And it looks like she's gonna cry.
"Sorry miss but no," I say as I grab Kaelyn's hands and lead her out of the club.


I am feeling a little tipsy and Tom his guiding me out of the bar.
"Do you want to go somewhere? Get some fresh air maybe?" He asks, while holding me up.
"Can we go to your place please?" I try looking as cute as I can.
"If that's what you want, I don't mind. I'll just have my driver come and pick us up."
"Sounds good! I should probably text Hannah and tell her that we are leaving," I tell him as I pull out my phone.

Saturday December 12 : 10:58 pm

Kaelyn- Tom and I are going to head back to his place if you don't mind?

Hannah- That's alright. Don't stay up to late you two;)

His driver pulls up and he helps me in.
"How are you felling?" He grabs my hand.
" I'm alright, a little tipsy but not drunk. I just need to drink some water."
We pull up to his place and we walk inside his dark house. He goes around and turns on all the lights. I set my things down while he goes and let's
Tessa out to use the bathroom.
"You were beautiful tonight," he says.
"Awe thanks. You were looking very hot," I lick my lips and walk over to him. Standing on my tippy toes, I whisper in his ear.
"I just couldn't keep my hands off of you,"
He blushes and moves my hair out of my face.
"You need to be a good girl Kaelyn," he whispers back. That's when I loose it. I put my hands around his neck and kiss him passionately and hard. He lets out a low growl in my mouth, begging for entrance. I gladly let him in. He picks me up and takes me to the couch. Then he lays my on my back and starts kissing my neck. I let out a soft moan while I run my fingers through his brown curly hair. He then moves his lips up to my jaw line and starts kissing that too. I start to unbuckle his belt when he stops and looks at me with his beautiful brown eyes.
"Why did you stop?" I ask while getting up.
"Trust me, I didn't want to but your different, special. I don't want this to just end up to be a hookup. I want to take it slow with you." He explains. I start to feel tears weld up in my eyes because of how cute he his.
He bends down to kiss my ear and then says.
" Trust me, we've got plenty of time."

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