The War Is Over

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Levi's pov

Did Erwin return safely? What if he's dead? How am I supposed to live after that? Or what if he loses an arm? I probably have to wipe his ass. Tie his shoes. Cook his meals too.

"Hey! Stop biting your nails!" Hange yelled and gave me a little smack on his finger.

I quickly dead glared at Hange, making our conversation go quiet.

"Wait. Are you nervous?" Hange asked after a little moment of silence.

Levi nodded and quickly looked the other way out of embarrassment.

But what was embarrassing about nervousness anyway? What if he died in war? What if that kiss before he had to step into the train was his last?

Hange chuckles. And goes into an unstoppable laughter.

"You are thinking that the strongest man of the whole fucking army didn't return?!" They laugh again.

That bitch, I gave them a tiny smack.

Hange can always read my mind and swims through my business. They also find out all my secrets. And sometimes... it feels like they can read my mind. Creepy, isn't it?

"Come on, we're gonna see Erwin, loverboy," Hange says and pulled their jacket on.

They strongly grabbed my arm and almost threw me outside. Like literally, they pulled me so roughly that I thought my arm might suffocate at any moment.

At the train station

"Levi! I wanted to ask you this a long time again, when Erwin left, what did he whisper in your ear?" Yelled Hange.

I remember that day. He gave me a kiss. And left for the 100th time, over and over again. Levi was used to it though, cause Erwin is of course almost promoted to a second leader of the army. They needed him.

"What is it? Spit it out already!" Hange yells again in my ear. Goddamn, I think my ears will bleed soon.

I took a deep breath before facing them again. Can't you just mind your own business?

"He gave me a promise," I began.

"Ohohohoh what kind of promise?" They excitedly asked.

"When the war is over, we are gonna live somewhere else. Just Erwin and me," I said and smiled a little. That was something he thought about everyday. Just the two of us.

"Hmm, I see! You are sick of Moblit and me! Well, yesterday we were a little loud in be-" Hange explained.

That little-

"Yes, you were. I don't sleep anyway but it was terrible to listen to," I rolled my eyes and looked if any trains already arrived, but nothing was in sight.

"Ha! But we did do some experim-" Hange continued.

How can they be so open. I swear, it's private stuff. Keep it to yourself.

"Fuck off," was all I could say.

"Well, talk about you and Erwin, when he's home you guys are also very lou-" Hange got cut of by a loud noise.

It was misty, but Levi was sure he saw something in the distance. At the trains station it was loud, lots of people were talking with their families. They must be worried sick too. What if in mid peaceful autumn your partner or close family died? It must be a horrible thought.

Something I thought about everytime. I just want to see my love.

I squinted my eyes, I was sure I saw the train coming closer and closer. The wind was getting heavier and heavier. I swore he could scent thunder and rain, but it was just an illusion. Maybe it was all his emotions stirred up.

And there it was, the train.

It was a gorgeous old green train. Smoke came from the top train, since it was a fairly old train.

Everyone was happy, they all smiled at the sight of the train. I looked around, it were maybe hundreds of people waiting for their loved ones.

But still, the thought of the possibility that Erwin might have died, creeped me out.

But my thoughts were interrupted by Hange.

"Helloooooo train!" Hange yelled and touched the train. "Are you awake?"

"What the fuck?" I swore Hange never saw any demons in life. They were always happy, not thinking about the sad possibilities and just smiled. Sometimes I wished I could have their mindset and not overthink too much. But that will never happen anyway.

"Ah I see, you are tired of all those people on your back," Hange continued.

After the little talk Hange had with the train, the doors opened. I was pushed forward since all people ran to the openings of the doors. They had no chill, what if someone got trapped and died on the floor? Oh god, I'm overthinking again. I just can't help it at this point.

Lots of people walked out of the train. They had huge backpacks on their back and wearing the typical army uniform with a symbol on it, to see which side they're on, and who they are fighting for.

I could roll my eyes out when I saw people with that fucking unicorn or whatever symbol on their uniform.

Lazy people, that's what they are. They probably were nagging the whole time about the train being too old or something and not being fancy. No experience at all in life, did those unicorn armies have.

No Erwin in sight yet.

People were hugging their loved ones but also some people were still scared. So scared. Levi felt a little happy when he saw little kids seeing their dads again after a long period of time.

Suddenly a hand was placed on Levi's shoulder. And squeezed it.

I turned around, but saw it's Hange. They softly smiled.

"He will be alright, you will see him soon," They assured. I nodded and looked at the door opening again.

Less people came out the train. Oh god, Erwin, please come out already.

Suddenly a tall man with perfect blonde locks stepped out of the train. His hair perfect as always, and Survey Corps logo neatly pinned on his uniform.

And oh, that smile he missed so much.


I walked towards Erwin. I swore I could feel tears of joy streaming down my face. Oh, it was rather awkward, really.

Erwin sighted me, and opened his arms. I quickly hugged him. Ah, those strong arms that I missed so much.

Seriously, have you seen those arms. I'm so lucky. Lucky with a man as him.

"Levi, I missed you." He looked me deep into my eyes before our lips connected.

It was a passionate kiss, something that I missed too much.

Let's say, I missed everything about him. I love everything about him.

Maybe the kiss was a little nasty since I could feel my own salty tears, but I no longer cared and deepened the kiss.

Suddenly Erwin pulled away.

"The war is over," Erwin smiled and embraced me again. He put his lips close to my ears and whispered.

"And I didn't forget the promise."


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