The abuse

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Tears slid down my face as I layed on the floor. I tried to make no sound as my father above hit me, over and over. The pain was unimaginable but I knew if I made a noise it would only get worse.

It felt as if it went on forever until he stepped back. I sat up and looked at him, scared. He shook his head and walked out of the room. I thought it was over until I could hear the sounds of my mother shouting.

"What are you doing?" I ask as my voice trembles. I see as he pulls my mother in by the hair, slamming her onto the floor.

"Stop!" I shout. I attempt to go to my mother but he kicks me to the side. I groan and could only watch as he stood over my mother, a knife in his hand.

"No!" No matter how much I shouted, he didn't stop. He lifted the knife and..


I woke up panting. The familiar sight of my room around me calmed me as I remembered what had happened.

Eleven years ago my mother was killed and it has haunted me since. It's always in my dreams and even when I wake up I never forget.

Back then, when it happened- I wasn't powerful and I couldn't protect my mother. But soon after my mother was killed I ran away and found out something incredible.

I had fire abilities. I could create a pheonix form and control fire. It took me two years to fully understand and control my powers but after some training I could do anything.

I trained hard to be more powerful than the person I was before. I practiced using knifes, spears and anything that could get me revenge.

Though I'm stronger now, I still have emotions. I'm reminded of this when a tear slides down my face, but I quickly wipe it.

I shake my head and stand from my bed. I knew that I was going to make my father pay today.


Haydenthehen wrote this for me

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