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Jihan sat alone in her grandmother's house. She decided to stay there rather than Yejun's to avoid being a burden. She can't go back to school, she can't even live properly. All her things were in Seoul.

The house was almost empty as well. She sat in the center of the house, and only the fan can be heard. It was 10 am and she had no one to talk to since everyone is at school. Her phone was not with her when she ran away.

She sat up as she thought of something. She roamed around the house, tryna find any bandages or even stickers. Using them to cover the hickeys made by the nasty men.

She tied her hair into a ponytail using a random rubber band she saw in the kitchen. Grabbing a lollipop at the jar of candies on the counter she went to the door and wore the shoes Yejun let her use. It was from Yejun's sister who is now living away from them.

A simple white shoes and Chihoon's black shirt and grey shorts from last night, she looked surprisingly stylish.

She made her way towards the school, ignoring the weird stares from some new faces around the town. Her random stickers and bandages around her neck and arms are surely getting attention.

Arriving at the school, she entered. There were no guards so no one stopped her. The halls were filled with students probably because it was break time. Holding the lollipop in her mouth she walked towards the cafeteria.

"Isn't that Jihan?" Sungho asked. The whole group sitting together looked at where Sungho's gaze was. "yeah that's her but- what's with her clothes?" Ji-ae asked.

"their mine," Chihoon said making almost all of them choke on whatever they were eating. "What? What happened?" Hyunwoo asked. "She fell asleep in my house and I don't wanna wake her up" Chihoon was thankful he immediately thought of an idea. "did you change her-" "no! What are you thinking"

"Hey," Jihan said sitting at a vacant seat which was beside Heemi. "What's with the stickers?" Heemi asked. "Oh just wanna put them," Jihan said, glancing at Chihoon.

"You just wanted to?" Ji-ae asked, suspiciously looking at her. "It was a dare. We played yesterday" Chihoon said. "Kinda sus," Hyunwoo said. "What the hell are you talking about" Sungho exclaimed as he smacked the poor Hyunwoo's head.

"But why are you wearing his clothes? You have your clothes right?" Ji-ae said. Jihan noticed something was wrong with Ji-ae, as she stayed quiet and just looked at her.

"What's with you guys. Just leave Jihan alone. It's not like you don't wear Chihoon's jacket sometimes" Heemi said. "And Hyunwoo for fuck's sake calm your hormones, please. If you want to think things, not Jihan" she sighed.

"So you're like the normal one here" Jihan chuckled and she looked at Heemi. "What about me," Chihoon said. "You're not," Jihan said before standing up. "Well, im not attending school so If you want to see me I'll be on the rooftop," Jihan said, particularly to Chihoon. "Don't do anything stupid" Chihoon said before Jihan left the table.

"Ooh Chihoon. I see you care for her huh?" Sungho teased, nudging at the boy. Chihoon maintained her stoic expression like he always had. "What's so special about that? I also care for you guys." He said.

"You? Care for us?" Sungho retorted. "Ah just stop it you- oH!" Before Hyunwoo continued, Sungho elbowed him in the stomach causing Hyunwoo to groan. "Oh my god are you alright?" Heemi asked, a worried expression written all over her face.

"This, Chihoon-ssi, is what you call care" Sungho said. "The punching?" "I- no! The one that Heemi did. With all the expression and stuff" Sungho said.

"He still have the same face when he told Jihan that. What's so special? Nothing's different.." Ji-ae said. She looked at Chihoon before she continued, "she's just like us"


"After a long time you came back without even giving me a chance to welcome you?" Yi An said, walking closer to the girl as an unknown pair of keys swirled in his finger. "Well you are now" Jihan chuckled.

The two shared a fist bump with eachother as Yi An sat down beside the girl. "Where have you been? I never heard anything" He asked. "Oh just out of the country. Business and shit." She replied.

"I missed you" Yi An said. He looked at her with such sincere eyes. "Hm? You what?" She couldn't believe her ears. He seemed somewhat, soft and not the Yi An everyone knew. "I missed you" he repeated. "I actually like you. I was about to confess that day you left. I found out you were absent so I decided to wait until tomorrow, but you didnt come. Then I asked some guys in yout class if they knew where you lived. I visited you there but the house was empty." He said.

"I was shocked and confused. I was a little angry, thinking you played with my feelings. Making me fall for you. But then you came back and you still wore the same old smile you give me whenever we talk. I was glad to see you" Yi An smiled softly at her. Jihan didn't utter a word, still shocked from the sudden confession. Just what the hell? They only met a few times and have proper talks when they visit this old abandoned place.

With her mind having its own world, Yi An slowly leaned in. She snapped back to reality seeing how the sun was slowly getting dark. Instead of moving away, she froze in her spot. Everything was too fast for her. She haven't replied yet and now he's trying to kiss her. She would have pushed her away already but no, she was in confusion. Until

"Yi An!"

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