1. Manhunt

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Laff POV.

"Okay count to 30 then you can start."
Socks said running off leaving us behind,he recently got an idea to try minecraft manhunt with three hunters. As Socks ran away he left me, Blaza and Tbh standing there looking at each other. Blaza and Tbh laughed counting loudly, I rolled my eyes getting some wood and crafting a pickaxe, in a matter of a minute I had a stone axe and a pickaxe. Suddenly I hear Tbh whine loudly getting my attention. Tbh sat on a crafting table one leg over the other and swinging slightly from side to side.

"What's up Tbh?" I asked smiling at the boy. "Laffff~" He whined out. "What?" "Can you get me a stone axe?" I smiled to myself. "Always letting someone do your work huh?" "Nooooo~ I just wanna go after Socks before he progresses to much."

"K here." I tossed him his axe and it landed right next to the crafting table. "Wow be careful it could have hit me." "But it didn't." I joked as he got up bending down trying to get the axe out of the ground. I shook my head trying to turn my gaze away from him and to whatever I was doing before. "Laff." "What?!" I turned around already frustrated only to be met with Tbh's face a few inches away from mine his chest awfully close to mine. "I can't get the axe out of the ground." I looked at him and back at the axe pushing past him and pulling the axe up with one hand. Tbh took it and ran away. A few minutes passed by and I got iron making myself, Blaza and Tbh all axes and shields.

I soon met with Blaza and ran after him, we found ourselves in the mountains Socks, running across the mountain we found beaten up Tbh sitting leaning on a tree. I ran to Tbh helping him. "You good?" I asked giving him food he shook his head no. I gave him more food "Stay here don't move. Okay?" He nodded I was ready to leave when I turned around and bend over kissing his forehead.

I took out my iron axe and began running. "Nothings gonna save you now Socks."

"He is near the third golden block!" Blaza shouted. I ran past him and into the forest making my way onto a tree, I look down to see Socks approach the golden block with a quick motion I jumped down slicing across Socks arm and chest.

He begun to run trying to get his health back but I was soon next to him, I hit him once which he blocked with the shiled, I hit him again finally killing him and winning the round.

I ran back to where Tbh was laying to check on him, as soon as I was there I was pulled into a big hug Tbh congratulating me, I hugged him back and as we pulled away he kissed my cheek making me blush slightly. Tbh pulled me into another big hug his face nuzzling my shoulder.... Man I could really get used to this.

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