Chapter 4

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A couple weeks have passed and Vic decided he would let me go on testosterone. I brought up the fact that I wish I was taller and more of an average "male" height. He brought up the idea of limb lengthening surgery. Now, here I am, 2 weeks later, recovering from surgery. I get to go home in a few days. Vic has to wait a few days before he begins lengthening them.

They are planning on going the full 6 inches, 3 in my lower legs and 3 in my upper. I'm in a decent amount of pain already. The hospital is watching me closely because I'm already on oxygen due to decreased oxygen levels. I see Jaime's mom come in.

Vic managed to get my surgery at Rady's so I could have Jaime's mom as a doctor overnight when he couldn't be here. "Hey honey, are you in any pain?" I nod. I watch her turn up the IV that has the pain meds in it. My knee was repaired as well in the surgery.

I watch her change the bandages. "You're lucky your dad would do this for you. Most parents wouldn't even consider it." I nod. "I know." I watch her look at my oxygen levels. "They still aren't as high as they should be. I'm going to get an oxygen mask for you, at least for tonight." I nod.

She returns with one and puts it on me after removing the nasal cannula. She leaves the room and I begin texting Vic. "I'm bored." "Go to sleep?" "You're no fun. Who in your band would be awake?" "Tony." "Give me his number and tell him that I'm gonna text him." "Fine." A moment later I get a text from Tony.

"Hey, Vic said you were bugging him and wouldn't stop texting him." "I'm in the hospital and I'm bored." "Why are you in the hospital?" "Because I had a limb lengthening surgery to make me a more average male height and so I'm stuck here for three days." "That sucks." "I knew what I was getting myself into but I'm just bored."

"Why didn't Vic tell us about you?" "I don't know. I don't question his ways. He still hasn't told Mike or Jaime either. I think Danielle told Alysha and that was it." "Oh, okay. When do you think he'll decide to make you public?" "Probably in a few months. He says he wants, for my sake, for me to be on testosterone for a few months before he introduces me to the public."

"Okay. Who's your mom?" "I don't know. Vic and I found out that it wasn't the lady who raised me so I have no clue. He said he might know and made me take a DNA test but didn't tell me who." "How old are you?" "16." "He dated Katie Quinn almost 17 years ago. Wouldn't that be interesting." "Katie?" "Kellin had a twin sister, Katie. They were pretty much identical, the only difference being Kellin is a boy and Katie was a girl. Katie got into a car accident though as a result of drinking and ended up dying."

"Oh." I see a text from Vic. "Do you want to know your biological mom's name?" "Yeah." "Her name was Katie. Katie Quinn. She was Kellin's twin sister. They were nearly identical which is probably why your personality and appearance is pretty much a mix between Kellin's and mine." "Oh, wow. Tony was just telling me about her."

"Yeah, I'm sorry." "It's okay. You were the one who actually knew her. Why wasn't she public like your other girlfriends?" "Kellin didn't want her public and I respected that. She would've died March 7th, 2005." "That's two days after I was born. Why wasn't I immediately sent to your custody?"

"My guess is you were kidnapped from the accident scene. Obviously, from there, fake documents were probably made." "Okay." I go back to texting Tony. "Katie is my mom. Vic just said he got the results back." "I'm sorry." "It's not your fault."

I get a text from an unknown number. "Hey Ray, this is Kellin. I'm so glad Vic managed to find you again. I'll answer any questions you have about Katie." "This is not necessarily about Katie but was my biological name actually Rachel?" "Your biological name was Mary after Katie's and my mom. I believe she had said that if you were a boy she was gonna name you Mike after Vic's brother."

"Why didn't Vic know about me until recently?" "He had broke up with Katie. She didn't want him to think she was just saying it to get back together. She was going to raise you as a single parent. She fell into the same pattern of alcohol abuse that is common in our family. Can you promise me you'll be careful if you ever drink alcohol?"

"I'm not going to. I had tried a small amount one time and I really wanted to have more for almost a month. I don't want to do that again." "Yeah, please don't. I don't want to lose you in the same way. I'm going to come down to San Diego in a few days to see you, okay?" "Just wait 3 days. I'm in the hospital because I had surgery. Also, don't expect to be able to do anything because I'm confined to a wheelchair for probably nearly 3 months now."

"What happened?" "I had surgery to make me taller because 5'3 is extremely short for me to be a male. Did Vic tell you I am trans?" "Yeah. How do they make you taller?" "Through limb lengthening. They basically create a break in the bone and then with whatever equipment thing they put on the bone. It gets turned most average 1 mm, although for me they determined my bones regenerate quick enough to do 2 mm, a day. It basically is keeping my bones from completely healing until they are 3 inches longer. They are doing 3 inches for my femurs first and then in 3 weeks they'll begin 3 inches with my tibias."

"That sounds painful." "It is. The increase in the pain meds is beginning to go back into effect now though so it's getting better. I had knee surgery as well because I had done an apparent large amount of damage to my knee." "Do you have anymore questions?" "Vic didn't know for sure why I wasn't put in his custody."

"She didn't want to ruin his future. When she died, you were given to me. I had you for nearly a year before someone kidnapped you." "Is my birthday actually March 5th?" "No. You were kidnapped March 5th, 2006. You were born March 19th, 2003." "Wait, I'm 18?" "Yeah." "Well, at least I was graduating this year anyways."

"Did you skip years?" "Yeah. After extensive discussion with my teachers and principal, they agreed to let me skip to being a senior since all my classes were already senior classes. They made me take tests for each of the classes to determine my grade and I ended up acing all of them. They let me test out of my classes this year as well besides my English class and fix my 9th grade grades with tests. I aced all of those as well. I just have to finish English. I have a 4.3 or I guess if you take into account the way grading is weighted here, 4.8."

"Woah. You're just as smart as your mom and dad." I smile a little. "Are you going to have your dad fly you back up for graduation?" "I think so. It's a lot more attention than I like but I guess I should go to high school graduation." "Does he know?" "No. I told him what was the case, that I had poor grades as well as I was getting tested for ADHD. He did get me tested for ADHD which I'm now on meds for."

"What are you on meds for?" "Currently I'm on antidepressants (both Ativan and Prozac) as well as the ADHD medication, but I think I'm going off the Ativan in a couple of weeks once the Prozac has had enough time to take effect." "Why did they want you to take Ativan until the Prozac started to work?" "It was quite obvious I was in a dangerously low state of being depressed. Of course, I ended up attempting suicide about a week later which led to increased doses of both of them."

"You attempted?" "A week after Vic got me. I was at a therapy appointment and I was swarmed with a bunch of repressed memories of what happened to me as a kid. I had a really bad panic attack which they had to actually sedate me so Vic could take me home and then I attempted when I woke up. I realized what I was doing and ended up yelling for Vic's help. I was sedated again at the hospital because I was in too much of a panic for them to even touch me."

"Wow, I'm sorry. That's crazy. Do you mind me asking what the repressed memories were?" "I don't want to talk about it now. In fact, I'm really tired. I'll tell you when I see you in-person." "Okay. I love you. Sleep well." "I love you too." I turn off my phone and let my eyes close.

I Kissed The Scars On His Skin (Vic's Kid)Where stories live. Discover now