Settling In

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You had been with the Hamatos for about a month now. Sure it took a while to get used to being allowed to eat, sleep without fear, and not get cursed at for every little thing, but you were handling it well. Your favorite brother was by far Raph. Next was Donnie, then Leo, and last but not least, Mikey. Not that you had anything agaisnt the orange banded brother, he was just a bit... eccentric. You weren't used to it.

Raph soon walked in, with a motorcycle helmet in hand.

"Hey." Raph said.

"Hi." You replied quietly.

"I was wondering, if you wanna, you know, go on a ride with me? Or something?" Raph asked, sort of embarrassed.

Your eyes widened in shock. You? On the back of a motorcycle? You didn't realize how long you had been sitting there, quietly in shock. Raph mistook your lack of response as disgust and immediately panicked.

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked you! I should've known you weren't that kind of girl!" Raph said quickly.

"It's ok. I didn't mean for you to take it that way. I would like to go on a ride with you." You said softly.

"I'm so sorry for my stupid mouth- wait, you said yes?" Raph asked in shock.

You just nodded your head. Quiet excitement shining in your e/c eyes.

Raph handed you the helmet and led you to where he had a bike hidden. It was cherry red and satin black, with gold pen striping. It also had decorative chrome skulls around the headlights. (I got the description from my dad's Harley.) Your eyes widened in surprise at the admittedly sharp looking bike.

"Woah." You breathed.

Raph climbed on and steadied the bike for you to climb on as well. He gestured for you to climb on. You did so carefully, and clung to the sides of his shell for dear life as he started it up and you felt the engine's roar in your chest.

Once he was sure that you were secure, he shot out of his hiding place like a bat out of hell.

You were scared, but also excited. This would be your very first bike ride. Ever.

"How ya like it?" Raph hollered back at you.

"It's amazing! I've never felt so free!" You replied giddily.

Raph just chuckled.

He took you to some of his favorite spots in the city. Your favorite spot was by far the docks, where you could see Lady Liberty standing tall and her torch shining brightly for all to see. (I have never been to New York so I have no idea if this is even accurate. If it isn't, pretend it is.) As the sun began to rise, Raph pulled into his hiding spot and shut the bike down. You could still hear it popping and cracking from how long it had been ridden.

"Thank you for the ride, Raph. It was really fun." You said as you gave Raph a soft hug.

"Anytime, Princess." He replied as he returned the hug.

You two then returned to the lair, went your separate ways and went to sleep. Your last thought before you drifted off to dreamland was,

"Think I'm settling in quite nicely."

*DISCONTINUED* TMNT 2014-2016 Boyfriend Scenarios: Raphael Where stories live. Discover now