Realising What He Did

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-2 days after the incident-

Raph didn't get it. Why were you avoiding him? What had he done that was so wrong? As he was wondering this, he saw you sitting on the couch. By yourself for once! Time to get some answers.

"Y/N. We need to talk." He said. He thought that he sounded kind and gentle, but in reality, it was harsh and demanding.

You more or less jumped right out of your skin.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you mad! I'll get out of your way!" You said quickly, with a skittish undertone.

"What? No, I'm not mad. Just confused. I was hoping you could help straighten something out for me." Raph said confused.

Against your better judgement, you stayed.

"S-sure. What do you n-need?" You stammered.

"Why are you avoiding me? You have for days now. Did I do something or say something wrong?" He asked.

You bit your lip, nervous. Finally, you sighed and told him.

"You know a couple of days ago, when you were really mad, and you slashed your weapon at me?" You asked.

Raph was even more confused. "I didn't slash my sai at you- oh wait." He said as it clicked. He stumbled back in shock and disgust of himself.

"Oh. My. God. Y/N! I'm so sorry!" He lunged at you, attempting to give you a hug to try to apologise. You on the other hand were scared so badly you almost started seizing!

"Oh! Y/N! Donnie! Get your shell in here! Now! Raph screamed.

"What did you do this ti- OH MY GOD!" Donnie shouted.

He immediately took action.

(This is what you do if someone is actually seizing. It could help save a life so you might want to pay attention)

"Raph get back! Get the table away from her! We don't need her giving herself a concussion." Donnie ordered as he placed her on her side to help her breathe better.

"Shouldn't- shouldn't we give her something to bite down on?" Raph asked nervous and scared.

"NO! She may break it, and it will produce a choking hazard. Donnie looked at his watch. She had been seizing for a minute and a half now. If it lasts another 3 and a half minutes, it will become dangerous.

Luckily, she stopped a few seconds afterward.

Y/N was very disoriented.

"W-what happened?" She asked groggily.

"You had a seizure. You're at the lair. You are ok. Does anything hurt?" Donnie asked as he began to evaluate her.

She shook her head no.

"Ok. Take it easy. I will be in my lab if you need me." Donnie responded.

After he left, Raph spoke up, ashamed.

"Im so sorry Y/N. I was just trying to give you a hug. Please. I'm truly sorry. I'm begging you, forgive me." Raph begged. "Who am I kidding? I wouldn't even forgive me!" He got up and began to sulk to his room. Disgusted with himself.

"I-I forgive you." You said quietly.

Raph whirled around, in shock. "What?"

"I forgive you. I know now that you didn't mean it and that you don't hate me." Y/N replied quietly.

"Oh, honey. I could never hate you." He said as he slowly approached you and offered you a gentle caring hug that you accepted. "Not ever."


Hello readers! As you can probably tell, I'm not the kind of author that leaves a note with every chapter. At least, I try not to be. Anyway, I'm just letting you know that I learned the stuff about how to care for someone who is having a seizure in my CNA (Certified Nurses Assistant) class at my high school. This is the criteria that my instructor taught me. Use this. It may just save someone's life. If a seizure occurs for longer than 5 minutes, it becomes critical, because the brain is going without oxygen. So remember:

1. Time immediately how long the seizure is lasting,

2. Move people away from the victim.

3. Move anything that the victim my hurt themselves on. (Such as the edge of a table or the leg of a chair.)

4. Call (or have someone else call) 911. (Or you emergency medical number)

5. DO NOT try to restrict the victims movement. This will only get yourself injured as well.

6. Once the seizure is over, check the person for injuries.

7. Reorient them with what happened, where they are, and who you are.

8. KEEP THEM CALM!! They will be exhausted from the seizure, but may be a bit scared or confused. Calm them.

9. Anyone who as had a seizure should (must) see medical care right away.

I AM NOT A LICENSED MEDICAL PERSONNEL!!!! I'M JUST TRYING TO HELP SAVE PEOPLE'S LIVES!!!! All I have is my CNA training. I can only do the bare essentials. The more you know, the better you can help.

I hope everyone has a Happy Mother's Day. Good day/night. Wolfpupgirl out!

*DISCONTINUED* TMNT 2014-2016 Boyfriend Scenarios: Raphael Where stories live. Discover now