Chapter 18

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"I'm done watching the stars and moon. Please be my sky Haechan-ah"

The video presentation ended after that. I looked at Jaemin and I can see the pain from his eyes hut he can still manage to smile in front of me

"Congratulations Ryujin-ah..." he said and I can see how he's trying to stop the tears from coming out of his eyes " already found your sky" he smiled weakly then walked out. I wanted to stop him but my body can't move

"I-I'm s-sorry... I-I'm sorry" crying is all that I can do now. I felt so weak because of the pain that I'm feeling right now

Haechan came closer to me and made me look at him

"I can be your sky anytime Ryujin-ah..." He said "...but I think you need to think about it again" he smiled weakly and I can see that he's suffering from pain too

"H-Haechan-ah please get me out of here," I said

We reached the dorm immediately because Haechan drives as fast as he can. I already stopped crying and I don't feel anything right now. I was just stunned the whole time

"Call me if you need me," Haechan said before he leaves to come back to the party. I asked him to don't tell anyone what exactly happened because I don't want them to worry about me again

My brain still can't process the fact that Jaemin's mom is the reason why our family broke. I can't believe that he betrayed my mom and had an affair with my dad. I suffered from depression because of what she did and yet I still manage to smile at her and hug her because I had no idea that it was her. How can she managed to face me and go to my party after all she did. I can't believe that I invited that family wrecker to my birthday party

And to my dad. I can't feel anything but hatred towards him. He's disgusting for having an affair with her wife's best friend. He didn't just destroy their friendship. He also destroyed our family. Because of what they did we suffered a lot. But what makes me feel hate him the most was the fact that he destroyed my friendship with Jaemin before. He knows how much I suffered when Jaemin left me and yet he had the guts to give me advice where he's the reason why Jaemin and I were suffering

I can't forgive him

I'm now laying on my bed while starring at the window where I can the moon and stars. Before I was so sure that Haechan is gonna be my whole damn sky but after all that happened I don't know anymore

I decided to remove my makeup when I suddenly saw Jaemin's gift. I still haven't opened it yet and I am now curious about what's inside it so I decided to open it. There's a small box inside it and a photobook

My mind is debating whether I should open it or not. I don't know what's inside it but I'm afraid that it's something that will give me pain even more. I decided to throw the photobook at the garbage can beside my vanity mirror when a picture suddenly comes out. I looked at it and realized that it's not a picture but a ticket. I was about to throw it in the garbage can when I realized that it's very familiar to me

My eyes widen when I realized that it's a ticket from JYP's Trainee Showcase back then. It has a date on it and it's exactly the date when I performed on the stage for the first time

"Why is it here?"

I immediately get the photobook out of the trash can and opened it. The photobook contains a picture of us as we grow up. There's a picture of us when we were still a baby. A picture of us on our first day of school. A picture of us on each other's birthday and so on

It's like a timeline picture of us.

I'm smiling unconsciously the whole time while looking at our pictures together. But the smile fades away when I saw the pictures at the end of the photobook

Never Again (Completed) HaeRyuJaem Series #1Where stories live. Discover now