chapter 5

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Katelinns POV

The next morning after Ed had left lastnight I had work. I worked in my mothers bakery on saterdays because since my dad left she had been run off her feet. It had been a dream of hers to open a bakery. She was an amazing baker and I didnt mind using my Saterdays to help her - honestly i enjoyed it.

Tying my hair in a low ponytail and tying my cupcake apron on over my leggings and hoodie. I put a generous amount of concealer and foundation on my face and doing my famous eyeliner flick. Ive been told I shouldnt wear so much makeup but I didnt look right without it. I put my shoulder bag around my waist and headed out the door. Unlocking the bakery was my job because my mother didnt arrive until a bit later. She had the little ones to watch. When i got inside I turned the "CLOSED" sign to "OPEN" and ducked under the counter.

Within an hour i was covered in flour and the bakery was packet out the door. I seved customer after customer until i closed for lunch. But when I was about to lock up a boy ran up to me with his hood up.

"Please open it back up! Sorry i just need..." he checked his list "...9 malteaser cupcakes" he smiled apologetically at me

I sighed. He looked desperate. I unlocked the door and stepped back inside "Why do you need 9 malteaser cupcakes?" I aked. I was suspicious because he didnt look like a "cupcake" sort of guy. He was tall and he had long unkept greasy hair. He was wearing black baggy clothes and he looked high as fuck. But he had kind features and a soothing voice. He was strange.

"Well maam. My friend and I are having a party. We need food. And hes a sucker for cupcakes." He said vaguely. "theyre for him"

I smiled at him. He hardly needed 9 cupcakes for his friend. But i commenced putting the cupcakes in boxes for him.

"Whats your name?" I said politely. It was awkward if i said nothing

"The names Jev maam" he said flashing a grin

"well here are your cupcakes Jev. Nice talking to you" I handed him the box and accepted his money. I saw him smiling to himself as he walked out of the bakery and out of sight.


"Well i gotta meet this magical girl then" Jev said getting up

"She hardly knows me. She thinks im trouble" I sighed

"You are trouble Ed. But she will fix that" He grinned at me and threw on a baggy jumper.

"OK. She works at a bakery across the street...dont ask how i know that" I said awkwardly. She intriqued me but if she knew i followed her she would hate me. I will have to stop stalking her.

"Ill get us cupckakes yeah?" he asked me

"With alchohol" I say quietly

"Ed i know you hate your life but Alchohol will not help you"

Without saying anything I pushed him out the door and locked it. I dont hate my life. Just most of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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