8-The Truth Untold

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"Listen to The Truth Untold by BTS."

We were sitting at the back of my car while the driver was taking us home. Jess had already passed out and to my luck, she didn't start throwing up yet. That was going to be a long night to clean the mess she's going to make.

Her head was resting on my shoulder while holding my hand. Her fingers started fiddling with mine as she was regaining her consciousness.

"You know, he must have felt lonely." Jess mumbled and the hiccuped.

Ah shit here we go again! Not the Smeraldo, please!

"He must have felt lonely, Jin. But he was coward." She continued.

"So was she, Jess." I said.

"No. She was afraid."

"Because she was a coward too. She was afraid of knocking on his door. If only She knocked on the door to his castle, he would have opened."

"You got a point." She said before slowly closing her eyes and drifting to her sleep again.

She kept babbling with non understandable words which I knew by heart that they were related to the Sir Smeraldo story.

It was her first year at high school when she heard the story about the Smeraldo and she became obsessed with it and never stopped mentioning it.

I remember once she started crying like a crazy and I rushed out from my class to hers as someone told me she was crying her heart out and making a scene. I thought that her grandpa passed away or something because he was really sick at that time. But when I reached her class, I found her brother so relaxed and slightly annoyed with his sister's sobs. When I asked him of what happened, he told me that the teacher was talking about Sir Smeraldo and she got emotional as she was on her period. Few years later when she became legally an adult and started drinking, Smeraldo story became her thing whenever she gets drunk.

We reached our destination. I thanked the driver and paid him. I was struggling with keeping Jess upright and helping her walk straight. Even when she's drunk, she is strong. Whenever I try to lift her off the ground to make my task easier, she would hit me, pull my hair, bite my arms, kick my knees or try to strangle me. She was singing 'Don't stop the music' in her drunk voice. Her voice was awful and there was a high possiblity that neighbors would call the police not for the noise but for how her voice was terrible and how she was a note-deaf.

Finally, I managed to get her inside the house. Once we were in, she ran to the big couch and her body fell on it directly. I breathed in deeply and followed her.

"Jess, get in your room please." I said, shaking her body.

"I wanna .. take .. you .. away ..l-let's escape .. intoooo.. the music." She hiccuped and burped all she wanted.

"Yeah, sure. Let's escape to your room first."

I pulled her up to her feet and pushed her to the room. Again, She ran straight to her bed and dropped herself down.

"Jess, remove your makeup and change your clothes." I nagged.

She ignored me and adjusted herself on the bed to be sleeping on her side facing me. I crouched down to face her wandering wide open eyes. I was not sure if she was drunk or not. Her face looked sober but her actions were still drunk.

"But, Jin, he still was a big coward." She talked in a faint voice, making me scoot closer to her to be able to hear what she says. "He was afraid of facing her. I'm pretty sure that she would have loved him no matter how he looked like, no matter what his truth was. I'm pretty sure she would have forgiven him for hiding himself. She already loved him with his mask on. He was afraid to try so, he made the stupid excuse of the flower thing. If he had the enough courage to face her, she wouldn't have left. If he had the courage to help her when she needed help, when he knew she needed him, she wouldn't have left. He hid behind his mask till it was too late. His mask killed him. His flower killed him. Killed both of them, Jin."

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