Chapter 4

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Laughing in a crown of jewels,
Numbness from a scepter's wound.
Toss and turn, I spin and learn,
"Catch yourself before you burn."

A joker's dance before the king,
Jangling beads, and silver rings.
Close your eyes and bare the sound,
Jumping up - falling down.

(~Indigo Girls)


The glistening toes of black boots appeared under the hem of the robes swishing steadily down the stairs, then scale-like hands, then the most horrifying face Draco had ever seen. Draco jumped out of his chair; it would not do to be caught sitting in the presence of such a powerful wizard. The air crackled with invisible ripples of dark energy, and Draco could feel the hairs along his arms stand on end. Add another thing to the list of new and disturbing things he had experienced in the past few hours. As Lord Voldemort passed him, he pressed his back against the wall.

In the cell, Potter was staggering to his feet. His face was screwed up as though something was painfully blinding him. Draco guessed that it must be the scar causing that reaction. Instead of shrinking back to the far corner of the wall, however, Potter took a step towards the cell bars. He got no further though.

Lips pulling back in a perverse sort of grin, Voldemort pulled his wand from his robes and whipped it at the captive. "Prohibito!"

As though swept aside by an enormous hand, Potter went flying against the back wall of the cell, spread-eagled. The manacles dangling there jumped to life, snapping themselves around his wrists and ankles. As he struggled against his restraints, the chains retracted into the wall, securing him firmly in place. With another casual wave of his wand, Voldemort sent a thick band of cloth wrapping around Potter's mouth, effectively gagging the boy.

He tucked the wand back into his robes. "Malfoy, unlock the cell." Voldemort's voice dug sharply into Draco's ears, thrillingly terrifying and powerful at once. He turned automatically to remove the key from the shelf but found his father had already done so. Lucius did not look at Draco once as he moved to the lock and turned the key. He bowed deeply as Voldemort walked passed him into the cell.

The Dark Lord moved up on Potter as a spider approaching a gnat caught in its web. "Mister Potter. So good of you to join us for this extraordinary occasion." The voice was dark, sibilant, and held no trace of mercy. It was easy to see just how powerful the Dark Lord was. Now Draco understood exactly why his father had chosen service to such power.

Although restrained, Potter was doing an excellent job of showing precisely how pleased he was to be there. He strained against the metal cuffs, and Draco could see the blunt edges almost cutting into the skin on his wrists. Writhing frantically, his eyes flashed defiance, pain, contempt, and pure unadulterated hatred. It made the looks he had given Draco over the years seem almost affectionate. Draco wondered just how securely the manacles were attached to the stone wall.

"Oh come now, Potter. This will be a glorious event. You should be honoured to be a part of it." Voldemort began pacing back and forth slowly in front of the struggling boy.

Draco snuck a sideways glace at his father. Lucius was standing still as a sentinel, observing the occupants of the cell with detached attention. Draco swallowed and pulled himself up a bit straighter in imitation of his father. In the cell, Voldemort continued his monologue.

"You almost did me a favour the night you escaped with your shiny little Portkey. At the time, regaining my body and most of my power was a sufficient goal. I would have killed you and have been done with it. However, once I had my body and my loyal Death Eaters returned to me, I could bide my time."

He stopped pacing in front of Potter and took a step towards the boy. Beads of sweat started to form on Potter's face and his glasses slid to the end of his nose.

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