Chapter 18

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After so many days of silence and solitude, the shock of entering Hogwarts was almost more than Harry could take. He had barely pushed through the front doors of the school when someone had recognized him and cried out, bringing a crowd to swoop in on him like a flock of hungry vultures. Everyone was pushing and scrambling to know what had happened, where he had he been, and what the hell had happened to Malfoy. He was so overwhelmed that in his exhaustion his concentration lapsed and he almost dropped Draco. Even the Weightlessness Charm he'd cast on Draco wouldn't have stopped him from falling, and had he fallen, Harry might have lost what little emotional balance he had left. It was tumultuous enough, with dozens of questions being thrown at him at once, and just as many people pressing in on him, that Harry almost found himself wishing that he was back in the woods. At least there he had been alone with his grief.

He bent his head down and tried to push through the crowd, but it was like swimming against a current. He was relieved when a familiar voice called out from behind him.

"Get out of the way! Everybody!" Hermione shouted above the noise. Suddenly, she was by Harry's side, arms outspread to ward off the shoving throng. "I said, back away! I'll start taking points if everybody doesn't back off immediately!"

There was a murmur from the crowd, but with one sharp glare from Hermione, a path was quickly cleared. She nodded once and looked up at Harry. "Harry?"

Harry opened his mouth, but was barely able to choke out the words, "Hospital wing."

"Right," she said as they began walking.

Ron quickly fell into step on Harry's other side, flanking him. He looked down at Draco's limp body, and back up at Harry. "Harry... what happened to –"

"Not now, Ron. Please."

Ron's mouth fell open. "But Harry –"

Harry shook his head and looked straight forward towards the main staircase. He didn't want to answer questions now. There would be enough of those to come, he was sure. He wanted space and silence, but the muttering of the crowd that followed them at a distance buzzed incessantly in his ears, and Hermione practically clung to his elbow, plaguing him with more questions. All the while, Ron stared at Draco warily, looking as if he wasn't sure whether to help Harry with his burden, or assault Draco if he showed any signs of life. Harry gritted his teeth and kept looking forward.

He didn't answer a single question but instead kept shaking his head, mumbling that he needed to get Draco to the infirmary. If he could just keep his focus on that for three more flights of stairs, he could make it. Every step felt like it was made on wooden legs; they were so numb from fatigue he could hardly feel them anymore. At least they didn't hurt. But even if they had, he knew he probably wouldn't have cared at that point.

Upon arriving at the hospital wing, Hermione and Ron finally dispersed the crowd, threatening to take House points from anyone who remained lingering outside the infirmary. However, no sooner had the crowd left than they stepped through the doors and Harry was hit by another flurry of activity. Madam Pomfrey rushed into the room, wand already out. "Good heavens! What in the name of Merlin – put him down here, Potter. Quickly."

Harry felt himself bristle as Madam Pomfrey reached in to help lower Draco the rest of the way down, and he quickly got between her and Draco so he could arrange Draco's arms in what he hoped was a more comfortable position. He wasn't even sure if it mattered.

"Someone run and fetch the Headmaster," Madam Pomfrey barked as she began rummaging around in a nearby cabinet.

"I'll go," Hermione said tightly, and she ran out the door, shutting it behind her.

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