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"A date?" The aussie asks with a raised brow as he looked over at Jeongin who had his face his in his arms as he laid against the counter.

"What am I suppose to do?" He whined as he looked up at the other omega who shrugged. "Have you asked anyone?" He said as he made some coffee for the two of them. The white haired boy shook his head as Felix handed him the mug. "Beomgyu's busy today, and I don't really know any other Alpha's or Betas."He mumbled as he sat up.

The sound of his phone ringing sounded, making him pick up the device and answer. "Hello?" He said as he took a sip of coffee.

"Oh Minho. Is everything alright?" He asked worriedly as he waited for a response. "Everything's fine, just wanted you to know Hyunjin will be home for the week." The other male said. "Oh, thanks for letting me know, um by the way hyung you wouldn't happen to be busy today would you?" He asked as he looked down at the table, biting his lip as he waited for an answer.

"I have plans with Jisung. Why do you need something?" The older male asked on the other line.

"Ah, no it's alright I was looking for a date. I have an event I'm attending later today." He said as he leaned back into his chair. Minho apologized for not being able to help, but Jeongin quickly assured that it was okay and he could find someone else.

After they ended the call the boy went straight back to sulking. Felix comforting him with a pat on the back.

"Who was that?" Hyunjin asked Minho as he looked over at the older male who sighed. "Jeongin, I called him to tell him that you'll be home for the week. Apparently he's attending an event and he needs a date, but I already have plans with Jisung tonight." Minho said as he grabbed his coat. He looked back at Hyunjin giving the Alpha a stern look. "Dont call to bother me, or else you'll be getting tissues again." He said with narrowed eyes, Hyunjin shivered at the thought and nodded.

"Got it." He mumbled as he watched the male leave. He turned back to look at Taehyun who was coloring, at the table with a big smile on his face. Grabbing his phone Hyunjin searched through his contacts before pressing on one. He put the device to his ear and waited for an answer.

"Hey Daehwi could you watch Taehyun for a while, I have something to attend to this afternoon." The blonde said as he walked into the kitchen. Daehwi of course agreed to watching Taehyun since the boy was a favorite. Hyunjin then searched for Jeongins number, clicking it and waiting for an answer. "Hello?" A soft voice from the other line spoke, Hyunjin hesitated a moment before speaking. "Uh hey Jeongin, Minho said you needed a date for this after noon." Hyunjin said, earning silence from the other line.

"Y-yeah, I do." He heard the omega say, as well as another voice in the background. "I can go if you'd like. I owe you for what happened." Hyunjin said as he messed with the nob on the cabinet door. "O-okay, it's at 5:00 um you don't have to dress to nicely."

"Great, I'll pick you up then at 4:30 send me your address." Hyunjin said earning a small okay from the boys before hanging up.

"Taehyunnie, uncle Daehwi is coming. Appa will be be back later okay?" Hyunjin said as he walked toward the boy who looked at him with a nod. "Okay." He said with a small giggle before rushing up to his room. Hyunjin headed upstairs looking for something nice to dress in.

"What the hell do I wear!?" Jeongin screeched as he dug through his closet for the search of clothes. It was already 4:18 and he still hadn't found anything to wear. "Here put these on." Felix said as he tossed the boy a pair of black jeans and a pink knitted sweater. (the one in the picture up there ^^)

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