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"Hello?" Jeongin said as he answered the phone looking for the snack aisle. "Baby? Where did you go?" Hyunjin asked from the other line tone full of worry as he spoke.

"Oh, I just went out to get some groceries the fridge is just about empty." Jeongin said softly as he took a bag of Taehyuns favorite chips and placed then in the cart. "Be careful love, I'm gonna stop by Minho's in a bit he mentioned he had something to tell me." Hyunjin said earning a small hum from the Omega.

"Okay, love you." Jeongin said a smile forming on his lips as he shyly looked down.

"Love you too baby."

And with that the phone hung up, a bright smile on Jeongin's face as he slipped the device back into his pocket before continuing to shop. In all truth the fridge wasn't really empty, but he felt like making something nice tonight. He grabbed a few other things before heading to check out and leave the store a content smile on his face as he headed back.

Felix would be taking care of Taehyun for the day, since the little boy had asked to stay longer with his uncle Lixxie so he could teach Taehyun to paint.

So Jeongin would have time to prep everything while the two were out of the house.

Pulling into the drive way he spotted unfamiliar cars parked there a frown forming on his face. Who could it have been? Hyunjin didn't mentioned anyone coming over. Pulling out his phone Jeongin dialed the others number pressing the device to his ear as he waited for Hyunjin to pick up.


"Hyung, is anyone suppose to be coming over today?" Jeongin asked as he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel looking at the cars in confusion. "Jeongin don't get out of the car. I'm heading home right now." Hyunjin said tone stern as he spoke.

Jeongin responded with a small okay simply putting his phone down as the other hung up.

Who could it have been?

A tap on the window startled Jeongin the boy flinching as he turned his head to see who it was.

A panicked gasp left him eyes widening at seeing the same sinister smile that had hauted him for years. Reaching for the lock he was a second to slow, the door opening to reveal the small chuckle that echoed in his ears.

"Baby how long has it been."

The Omegas scent went sour panic running through him as he tried to grab the door and shut it only to fail due to the Alpha's strength. "Get away from me." Jeongin said shakily moving away from the Alpha who tried to reach forward to grab him.

"Oh come on Jeongin don't be difficult now. I just want to talk." He said gently cupping the Omega's face only for his hand to be slapped away. "I Said Get Away From Me!" Jeongin screamed shoving the other away.

Scoffing the male reached forward again only to he pushed back a growl ripping through the scene as Hyunjin glared at the male.

"Did you not hear him the first time." He sneered protectively standing in between Jeongin and the Alpha. "Who the hell are you?" The man snapped narrowing his eyes on Hyunjin, face holding a scowl.

"His boyfriend you sick fuck." Hyunjin snapped as he glanced back at Jeongin who was panting the Omega looking at him with wide eyes.

"Baby come here let's get you inside." Hyunjin said as he gestured for Jeongin to grab his hand. Slowly the Omega got out of the car hand trembling as he took Hyunjins tears in his eyes. "You leave before I call the police." Hyunjin said as he closed the car door glaring at the man who scoffed.

"Don't think this is the last time Jeongin I'll come back." He spoke before heading to his car cursing as he sped out of the drive way.

Hyunjins eyes narrowed on the other car parked the Alpha's scent turning sour as well. Jeongin didn't question it only following the other inside.

"Oh, Hyunjin, dear your back." A voice chimed drawing the pairs attention to the lady standing up from sitting on the couch beside her a man. "What are you doing here?" Hyunjin asked voiced cold as he held Jeongin behind him the Omega still shaken up from the earlier events. The smile on the woman's face faded a sigh leaving her as she gave Jeongin a rude look.

"Guess using that Alpha didn't work to efficiently." She mumbled before looking back at Hyunjin her smile coming back.

"Dear I came to talk to you about..well the Omega."

"Hyunjin your better than this, a low life like him is nothing. Your family is—"

"Don't. Fucking start with your bullshit I cut ties with you long ago." Hyunjin snapped as he glared at his mother who frowned. "Don't talk to your mother that way Hyunjin." The man beside her spoke earning a scoff from the other who glared at him. "Who are you to talk to me like that Han-woo? Just because your married to her doesn't make you my father, nor will you ever be close to one." Hyunjin said scent dominating the room.

"Hyunjin! I Am Your Mother! Do You Not See What Your Doing To Your Family!" She screamed shaking her head. It was all an act, Hyunjin was use to it by now no longer able to feel the guilt and pity he had so many years ago.

"What family?" He asked narrowing his eyes on her. "Last time I checked you wanted nothing to do with me after my son was born. I had to do everything myself, because you were to caught up in your own life, to selfish to even care for your son." Hyunjin said jaw clenched as he shook his head.

"No wonder why dad left you." He muttered giving her a look of disgust.

"Hwang Hyunjin you stop this nonsense right now. You have a son, he has a real mother who—"

"Who what? Wants to spend time with her son cause she misses him, or cause she's a selfish greedy bitch just like you?" He asked earning silence from his mother who gulped.

"Get out. Both of you before I call the police." He said earning glares from the two.

"Just you wait." She muttered heading toward the door. As the two left Hyunjin sighed turning back to look at Jeongin who was still trembling tears falling down the Omega's cheeks. "Hey, hey their gone now baby." Hyunjin said softly as he cupped the boys cheeks wiping away his tears.

"Lets get you some water baby."

By the time Felix dropped Taehyun off Hyunjin was still trying to calm Jeongin down, the boy constantly flinching at every loud noise and cautiously looking around everytime something caught the corner of his eyes. And even though he assured Hyunjin he was fine, the elder knew he wasn't.

"Innie." Taehyun said softly as he climbed into the Omega's nest that Jeongin had made for safety.

Hyunjin watched with a sad smile as Jeongin held Taehyun close the Omega gently purring almost as if trying to calm down the worry Taehyun felt. The little Alpha sensing something was wrong.

Even though Taehyun biologically wasn't his son. Jeongin's Omega had excepted him as his own, which meant he was treating Taehyun as his own pup snuggling with him in his nest to calm down and feel a wave of reassurance that the boy was safe.

Hyunjin smiled fondly slipping into the nest as well. Pulling a blanket over them he gently wrapped his arms around Jeongin.

Scent relaxing the Omega who leaned back into him worries and anxieties drowning as his Alpha lovingly comforted him.

"Your safe with us love."

/aaahhh, it's cute.

I hope you guys have a good night or day~

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