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"Yeah, you should go next!"

They all looked at you.


You spun the bottle and it landed on Armin.


He smirked.

"Truth or dare? Y/n?" He looked at you.

This is bad but you tried to keep your cool.

"Dare. Mamma raised no-" before you could finish you stopped knowing what you just said.

"You had no mamma tho..." Armin whispered to you so nobody could hear.

You two started laughing.

(We love making fun out of our trauma and mental health✨)

"What's so funny."

"Why are you having all the fun-"

"Ohh believe me y/n is gonna have much fun right now." Armin smirked.

"Y/n I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with captain Levi." He smirked.

"Huhh?" You looked at Armin as well as everyone else did.

"I'm still gonna do it because I'm not losing to you but watch yourself and you can't sleep in my apartment for a whole week." You smiled.

"Nooo" he was begging you.

"You did this to yourself bud." you smirked

You forgot about the Levi part.

You looked at him.

"So u comin or not?" You asked pointing at the closet doors.

"Tch. Let's get this over with." Levi said standing up and following you.

"Be sureee to useee protection." You could hear Jean smirking at you and teasing you.

"Fuck you, Kirstein." You said still walking showing him the middle finger feeling like a baddie.

"Sure when?" He teased and smirked.

"I swear ur gonna pay." You yelled at him one last time before opening the door to the closet inviting Levi to go fist in.

"Tch." He clicked his tongue.

You stepped into the closet after him and closed the door.

You were in the smaller closet where you didn't have any stuff but it was quite small.

It was tight.

You could feel Levi's breath because of the lack of space.

"STARTING NOW 7 MINUTES!" Connie yelled from the living room.

"Okay!" You yelled so they could hear you.

"Stop being so loud." Levi said.

He was closer than before.

"Expect me to say sorry or smth?" You said at him smirking leaning against the wall.

You looked away in boredom because you didn't expect something to happen anyway.

But just as you turned away you could feel Levi pinning you to the wall.

You turned to him.

"Levi, what are you-?"

"So you think you can be bratty now?" He whispered in your ear with his deep voice. His breath was brushing your neck.

I could play with him a little.

We are off duty today so why not.

"You know..." you grabbed the hand that was pinning you against the wall slowly and put it down just to grab both of his hands.

It was going slowly but then you pinned his hands above his head pinning him on the wall with one of your hands.

With your other hand, you lifted his chin and brushed your thumb against his surprisingly soft lips.

"Two of us can play this game..."You teased him and smirked at him.

You moved his head around as you had complete control of him for a few seconds.

But he soon got his cool back.

"Tch. As if-" he started leaning in looking deep into your eyes.

You let go of his hands so he grabbed your chin.

Your faces were inches away.

The heavy breathing.

The eye contact.

The smell of his expensive cologne.

The tension between was-

"LOVEBIRDS! THE SEVEN MINUTES ARE UP!" Connie yelled from in front of the closet.

'Fuuuckkk' you thought to yourself.

"Just as it was getting fun."

You smirked and opened the door out of the closet.

Levi and you went back to the living room and EVERYONE was looking at you two.

The both of you sat back down where you sat before.

You grabbed a shot of vodka and chugged it without a problem.

You looked around.

"Why are y'all staring like idiots?" You asked raising an eyebrow but knowing exactly why they were staring.

"Soooooo..." Historia started.

"Nope. Before any of you think of anything stupid just don't. Nothing happens. Let's continue the game." You cleared remembering what happened.

You even saw Levi smirk for a split second.

"Okay...anyways. Who's going next?"


The game continued for some time after that.

You took quite a few shots.

But alcohol doesn't affect you so you were fine.

You had fun tonight.

Why did Levi-

Agh just forget it. It was just for fun.


Total words:828

Sorry for the short chapter. The thing is that I'm sick and it's 2 in the morning rn so I just rushed to write something because I haven't updated in 5 days and I wanted to so here's that. I have a few ideas on how to continue this story but I just have to choose along the way so yeah.

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