8: Deciding

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I need a new job and I need to kick myself. I like Tom but I can't like him. I'm 27, his 36. Shit. I sigh and go downstairs. "I was thinking, Avery. You don't need a job. I mean, I quite like having you here and you don't need to work, you have money but how come you lost your apartment?" asked Tom. "My landlord wanted sex, I didn't and he kicked me out cause of it" I said. "Arsehole he is. Anyway, what ya say?" asked Tom. "Only for now" I said. Tom nods and walks over. "Thank you" said Tom. I rub my face and have cereal. I then go have a shower. I slide on jeans and a white crop top. I slide on doc martins. I go downstairs and I spot Tom with Cara. 

I go sit down and Cara smiles at me. I rub  my face and Tom walks over. He sits beside me and kisses my head. I blush and look at him. "Sorry" said Tom. "It's fine" I said. Dad walks in and Tom stands up. "Tom, you have meetings tomorrow" said dad. "OK" said Tom. Dad leaves and I roll my eyes. He never asked me how I was. I lie my head back and groan. I stand up and decide to post a picture

Liked by Twhiddleston, Jackson_Smith, CapitalOfficial

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Liked by Twhiddleston, Jackson_Smith, CapitalOfficial

Avery_Smith: When lows happen look to the positives :) Honestly, a rough couple of days but hopefully I get better soon x 

Twhiddleston: Happiness comes from the inside :) 

Hiddleston_Fan: Did Noah cheat on you?

Liked by Twhiddleston, Avery_Smith

I turn my phone off and Tom walks over. "How come your dad didn't say anything to you?" asked Tom. I shrug. "Dunno" I said. Tom nods and sits beside me. He looks at me and smiles. We lean in and our lips touch. We kiss harder and then we pull apart. "Will you go on  a date with me?" asked Tom. "I'd love too" I said. I hug him and he smirks. "I've organized a babysitter, my sister, Emma is gonna watch over Cara" said Tom. I nod and go find an outfit. 

I put on a suit with no top underneath it

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I put on a suit with no top underneath it. I tape my boobs so they don't pop out. I slide on heels and loosely curl my hair and light make up. I rub my face hands together and go find Tom. That must be Emma. "Hi, I'm Emma, Tom's sister" said Emma. "Hi, I'm Avery" I said, smiling. Me and Tom say bye to Cara and leave. I get in his car and he drives to a park and parks. We step out and walk to a certain spot. He stops at a spot. 

Holy shit that is amazing

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Holy shit that is amazing. "Wow.... this is amazing" I said. "Thank you, Sarah helped me" said Tom. "Wow.... I love it" I said, smiling. We sit down and Tom gives me some food. We dig in and talk about life and interests. I rub his hand when he holds mine. I smile. "I like you, Avery. Seeing you with Noah hurt me but now we have each other" said Tom. We finish and head home. 

Emma smiles at us. "How was it?" asked Emma. "Amazing" I said, smiling. Emma leaves and I smile at Tom. Cara is asleep and we watch one movie before we go to bed. I instantly fall asleep!

Me and Tom had an amazing date!

A date. ooooh la la la!

Lorna xx

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