It's Going To Be A Long Night

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Brown's PoV:

Yeah, I was still coming to terms with the whole 'being dead' thing. Chocolate seemed to be getting on better than I feared he would, that's all thanks to Lime. I wish he knew just how much I appreciated that - as far as he's concerned, I'm probably just another crewmate who thinks he's a complete failure.

Anyway, I've been thinking, a lot, and I have a pair of main suspects at the moment.
Cyan and Red.
They stuck together a lot, their children Scarlet and Teal were best friends. They could be pairing up. In addition, Cyan didn't go to fix the lights. Suspicious, much?

I would have informed Green of my idea, however I saw him looking upset on the balcony with Emerald, so guessed I'd give him some space for the moment.

Not really knowing what to do with myself, I just float back to the cafeteria, practising 'ghosting' though walls. What? There isn't a scientific term for it, so that's what I'll call it.

Nothing much happened, that was until I stumbled upon what seemed to be a private conversation between two of the crew.

Black and Orange.

This could be fundamental to discovering the imposter. But, it's not like we can even do anything with the information anyway.

"Pink?!" Black exclaims in shock. "Of all people? I don't know..."
Were they planning who to frame, or perhaps something worse - who to kill....?

Wait... didn't we already clear Black? Meh. Just to be certain, I'll hear what they have to say.

"He just doesn't seem the friendly type..." Black continues, "let alone the romantic type"

Ah well okay, this isn't what I thought it was. But... does this mean... Orange is asking about Pink??

Well Orange is unlucky if that's who he likes, I know that Pink is cold-hearted and unfriendly. Everyone knows it. We just put up with it, I guess - he's only just bearable. Orange... no offence, but he isn't rich or famous or anything like that, and Pink only hangs out with people of 'high status', so he can brag about it. So I have no clue what Pink is up to, unless...

I'll tell you what, I won't be surprised if Pink is actually an imposter, and is using Orange's emotions to his advantage. Pink is a manipulator, after all.

So then... Cyan and Pink? It's possible.

"Ay, Green" I call, spotting him sat in the now empty cafeteria.

"What?" He mumbles dejectedly

"New idea. It could be Pink"

Green pulls a disgusted face, before declaring that he'd rather not hear anything about 'that manipulative snob'

"But I think it's him! And you're right about manipulative, he's using Orange's emotions against himself, to trick him. I'll bet ya Orange is going to be dead by morning."

"No, no, no." Green huffs, "Orange does not like Pink in the first place, period."

Saying 'period' after a sentence does NOT make it true.

"I think he does, period." I reply.

"Pink is just tricking Orange into thinking that he does like him. To get back at me" he explains.

"Back at you for what?" I ask, genuinely interested.

"Uh..." he mutters, "unimportant."

I pause to think of how this is supposed to make sense. "So, Pink is trying to get with Orange... to get revenge on you?"
It was kind of suspicious that Pink suddenly decided to 'care' about another human being, but Green's theory just didn't make sense.

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