Meeting #3

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Brown's PoV:

And yet again, Green left me to deal with Pink's weird reaction to emotional damage... honestly, no offence but it really scared me.

"Snap out of it" I beg, waving my hand in front of his face.

Fortunately, a few seconds later, an alarm went off. The emergency meeting alarm.

I could see his eyes return to normal as he slowly quietened down, grabbing onto my sleeve to prevent himself from falling over.
"That..." he began, but I already knew what he was going to say.

"Never happened, got it" I sigh in relief. "Unless you wanna talk about it"

Pink considers, but then shakes his head quickly. "Meeting".

Oh, right... I guess we'd better go...

Pink's PoV:

This was getting kind of embarrassing... I'd just leaked information about my childhood, something I promised myself to ever tell anyone. It was just too much to handle.
It can't happen again, I've got to stop this...

Green heads to the cafeteria first, and I tell Brown that I'll be there in a second.
I go down the hallway to look at the remains of me, one last time.

Tired and confused crewmates fill the hallway, gathering around the dead body, me.

Quickly scanning the crowd, I spot Aiden, fear and sadness filling his beautiful amber eyes. It was painful to look at.

Lime was followed by my daughter, Chocolate, Peach and Emerald. Lime attempted to pick up Rose, but she hissed "don't touch me I am able enough to walk. I'm going back to my dad"

Aw no... she hadn't seen it yet...

"Rose... I'm sorry but you can't..." Lime nervously murmurs

"What?" She snapped, pushing past him and walking a few steps down the corridor. "No- no he can't be gone!"
As I'd expected, no panic showed in my little girl's face; there was only anger. She was determined to have the imposter dead.

The crew slowly began filtering out of the hallway and up the stairs into the cafeteria to discuss. Aiden remained, kneeling by my side, the real me.
"Why did it have to be you?" He whispers, tears filling his eyes. "They could have killed anyone last night. It should have been someone else"

I... I don't know why it was me. Just wrong place wrong time, I guess.

At least Aiden was safe. If he had been in the hallways doing his tasks, it probably would have been him.

He wipes his face, racing up the stairs and into the cafeteria before anyone noticed that he was gone. I followed close after.

The three parentless children sat together in front of Lime, Rose was concentrating hard, inspecting each of the crew in turn.

"So what happened?" Blue interrogates, "what were you even doing outside of your room before 8:00 anyway, Lime?"

Tell ya what, that's a really good point.

Green is silent, Brown is the first ghost to speak. "We know it's Black. Which can only mean Lime is the other imposter"

"Because Black defended him..." I finish off. "I sussed Lime anyway"

"Really?" Brown asked, "I thought he was too kind to do that..."

Green finally contributes to our conversation, quietly adding "sometimes people aren't who they seem"

"Well it couldn't have been anyone else, as we were in our rooms" White points out. "We were all asleep, right?" Everyone nods in response.

"Liar" I snarl, pointing at Black. "How do they not suspect him?"

"At least they're right about Lime, they have some common sense" Brown sighs.

"Well I don't think it could have been Lime" Black reasons, arguing against White's point

"Oh," I sarcastically exclaim, "that's right, go defend your partner in crime!"

"What about the vents? Chocolate said something about that!" Red pipes up, "maybe that could be how they did it!"

"No, obviously they didn't" Green points out to the ghosts, "there aren't any vents in the bedrooms!"

"I don't think it was" Orange states, "there aren't many vents that lead to this hallway, most of them are in the actual HQ, not the sleeping quarters"

"What did I just say?" Green smirks. "Heh, smart minds think alike, ay?"

"Shut up he's my boyfriend now back off" I sternly remind him, shooting a glare across the table before realising my mistake. Actually... they both know anyway, so it doesn't matter.

However, Cyan takes Orange's contribution the wrong way, making her skeptical. "And you know so much about the vents because..?"

"Well what was Pink doing out of his room that early either anyway?" Blue asks, staring into the eyes of each crewmate in turn.
"We. Have. Rules. They exist for a reason, even if it wasn't the reason they were originally intended for."

"Sorry... But I think I kinda have to agree on that one" Brown murmurs.

"No, I agree too, I regret it" I sigh. "I was just worried. What the crew would say"

"Well it must have been Lime!" Orange exclaims whilst scowling at him. "he hated Pink!"

"Thank you" I grin, "you see, Aiden is the smartest!"

"Ahem?" Brown jokes.

"The smartest alive then" I laugh (sanely)

"That's true." Yellow agrees, "out of everyone, Lime has the most motivation to do it"

"I agree" Red nods, "also, Pink thought it was Lime, so Lime could have killed him so that he wasn't under suspicion any more"

"Well that didn't work, did it Lime?" Purple glared across the table at me, his face scrunched up in complete and utter disgust.

"Okay, are we finished discussion? If so, we can vote" Blue declares

Finally, people were quiet again.

"Yess!" Green shouts excitedly, "they know who one of them is now!"

"Excuse me," Lime interrupts, "I...I have a reason to believe that the murderer is Orange"

"WHAT THE HECK, NO!" I yell, despite the fact that nobody alive could hear me.

This wasn't good...

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