The slap

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Jai's pov
Daniel:Do you guys know what the slap is?
Luke:no what do you mean?
James:oh the slap is an app were all of us put random videos go follow me or cat and her friends.
I got my phone out and look for the slap app then i made a account .
Me:here guys my slap name is
Jaibrooks1 okay.
James: kk follow me
I search for cat and I look and look and finally found her slap it was Catvalentine I look in all of her videos she was so funny.
I call Luke to make a video well my first video .
(A/N :it's the first video on twin talk time)
After almost 6 min in making conversation I realized we were not funny at all but that's because we are new . I keep on watching videos of cat she's so funny I don't know but ones you watch her videos you feel like you need to watch more and more. shes just so cute.

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